MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Bad movies that are a part of good franc...

Bad movies that are a part of good franchises:

- Alien: Resurrection
- Diamonds Are Forever
- Rocky IV
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
- Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
- Rambo III
- Terminator Salvation
- Terminator Genysis (never saw Dark Fate but heard it was bad)
- Harry Potter And The Prisoner of Azkaban
- Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
- Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
- Diamonds Are Forever
- Quantum of Solace
- Batman and Robin
- Jaws III
- Jaws: The Revenge
- Robocop III

I was going to put The Godfather Part III on here but in all honesty it's not a bad film at all, it gets a bad rap because it follows up on 2 of the greatest films ever made and it was nowhere near that level (which is an incredibly high bar to clear). I also was going to put Toy Story 3 on here which is a film I CANNOT stand however again I do recognize that it got great reviews and it actually wasn't that bad until the very end (it was never great but it didn't piss me off until the last scene)


Ah jeez, Alien: Resurrection topping the list? I think it's my favorite Alien film tied with the original.
So A:R and not Alien 3, AvP, or Alien Covenant?


I liked AvP. It was a touch campy and a little ridiculous... okay maybe I liked the idea of it enough to give it a bit of a pass.


The list is in no particular order


-Jason Bourne
-A Good Day to Die Hard
-Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome
-Mission: Impossible II
-The Matrix Revolutions
-Hannibal Rising
-Vegas Vacation
-Spider-Man 3


I don't think I agree with the Last Crusade being a "bad movie". Crystal Skull, yes, but Last Crusade? I get preferring others, but why do you think it's "bad"?


That’s fine but I can’t stand last crusade. Again that’s my personal opinion


I get that it's a personal opinion, I just think that there are movies out there that I can't stand that are actually "good" movies, and a lot of ones I like, I know they are "bad", so I was just wondering if it was personal taste or something else. 😊


Oh I totally know what you mean, I can't stand Forest Gump either yet I do recognize it is one of the most well received films ever made. That doesn't sway my personal opinion though I still hate it.




I'm not a fan of Forest Gump either.


Rocky IV is fantastic. Just stop. Rambo III was entertaining as well

Mission Impossible 2, Final Destination 4 should be mentioned too


Didn’t see either of those and Rocky IV is a POS, Rambo III I didn’t hate but at the same time it’s not good
