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What did you watch this week soldier? (08/09-14/09)

At ease,
Stonekeeper on report with all the latest news related to What I watched This Week!

Check it out:

Three Ninjas (1992 DVD): If you ask me, this is a classic. I can’t rate it as high as other children movies that share that same nostalgic feeling but it does make the list (neverending story, The wizard, Indian in the cupboard, home alone, small soldiers...). I respect the fact that they made a movie with heroes either under 10 yrs old or over 60 and I like how the kids crank their arms before punching the bad guys, amongst other cool things. The last 30 minutes is memorable for all he right reasons. My rating: 7/10

Deadpool (2016 TV) : After loving Deadpool 2 so much a week ago (rated it 8.5) I decided to revisit the original because after seeing it at the theatre with some friends, all I took from it was the cool humour, the flashy violence and a thin plot (rated it 7). This time, through all this, I noticed the chemistry, the love story and the heart. My new rating: 8/10

La pazza Gioia (“Like Crazy” 2016 TV): “Two quite different women escape a mental institution to see Tuscany in a stolen car and get to know each other.” The first hour and a half of this Italian movie is a 6/10 and the last 30 minutes a 9/10, thanks to emotionally charged scenes that payed off for all the momentum building. My rating: 7/10

The Lobster (2015 Roku TV): The Favorite was in my top 3 best films of 2018 but was the sole movie from this director I had ever seen so I was anxious to knock off more of his titles. Unfortunately, I failed to connect with this one. It has good ideas, interesting first half but the scenes in the forest were long, boring and felt like something I could shoot with friends. I also found the way the characters spoke (as if they were slightly mentally challenged) was fun for a while but got cumbersome. My rating: 5.5/10

The rocketeer (1991 TV): This is a light and playful movie for which I did not care much. The hero kind a sucked to be honest. All he had was good looks, a mean right hook and a jet pack, that’s it. They played it a bit too safe and the result is bland. At least I got to see young Jennifer Connelly. 5/10

Dark City (1998 DVD)This movie was not what I was expecting and yet what I expected was somewhere in there. This movie is similar to a dozen others but yet it is unique. The first half was more like a dark comedy and the second half was like a dark acid trip. A shaky lead actor is supported by a strong cast, the adequately outdated special effects are awesome and I got to see young Jennifer Connelly again. 8/10


I haven’t seen any of your titles but these are mine:

The Italian Connection (1972) Directed by Fernando di Leo. I absolutely loved this crazy seventies Italian crime drama. Mario Adorf is the set up pimp being hunted down by two American hit men played by Henry Silva and Woody Strode. Lots of great music, beautiful women, gun fights and of course car chases. This one is a perfect entry into the genre with Adorf stealing the show.

Bad Lieutenant (1992) Unbelievably dirty and gritty bad cop story from Able Ferrara. I don’t know how I went all these years without seeing this and I must say I feel this is Harvey Keitel’s best performance I’ve seen. I can’t wait for a second viewing.

The Mechanic (1972)
Some how Bronson could not even get me interested in this one. Not recommended.

Phenomena (1985)
I revisit this one often and love this Argento horror film. People frequently complain about the music being out of place with its hard rock score but I’ve grown to enjoy it. I do sometimes wonder how this film would feel had Argento been able to use Goblin as in Suspiria.

Street Law (1974)
Vigilante justice is dealt out by Franco Nero in this Italian revenge flick. There is something about Nero that’s always so convincing when he’s the every day man put in a bad situation like here.

White Sun of the Desert (1970)
Soviet production film follows
a Red Army soldier named Sukhov on his journey through the desert to return home to his wife. This one is still up in the air for me and I need a rewatch before I could recommend it. It’s certainly a beautifully shot film.


Hi Mr!

I haven't seen any of yours but Bad Lieutenant is in my DVD collection, just haven't got around to it yet.

" I do sometimes wonder how this film would feel had Argento been able to use Goblin as in Suspiria." What's Goblin? (I only saw the remake of SUspiria)

Thanks for dropping by and I hope you'll become a regular. New thread coming tomorrow.



Goblin is a progressive rock band from Italy who did the soundtracks to some of Argento’s films with the most famous probably being Suspiria (1977). Their soundtrack with Argento’s use of color, lighting and great camera work really make the film. The original script was to center around children but Argento used adults in the film without alterations and it gives the film a dreamlike strange feel. The lead actress, Jessica Harper is absolutely great in her role. I’m such a fan of the film I won’t watch the remake. Check out the theme by Goblin below.


Lol Three Ninjas was so funny, forgot about that one.


Mindhunter (2017 Netflix), season 2, episodes 7, 8, 9: I really enjoy this series and I thought season 2 was pretty good, but not as good as the first. I think the acting and writing are good if you like crime shows. I did find the finale to be somewhat anti-climatic, but that's kind of how it was in the first season. Overall a great watch though. 8/10

The Terminator (1984 DVD): This was the first time that I watched this from start to finish in probably 10 years. I forgot how amazing this film is. It was a good refresher, that although T2 is seen by most as the best in the series, this film is actually the better of the two. The mood, tension and sense of dread throughout the film is outstanding. Arnold was systematic as a robotic killer and the brutal murders that he commits are shot great. I also forgot how real the terminator looked in its robotic form; I incorrectly remembered those scenes as being mostly CGI, but they are not at all. I loved the used of models and prosthetics throughout the film. Just an all time great sci-fi horror film. 9/10

It: Chapter 2 (2019 Theater): Overall 6/10. Not nearly as good as the first, but it's still nice to see a big budget horror flick. I think it could have been shorter and focused more on the adults rather than spending half the movie rehashing Chapter 1. Still, if you're a fan of the first one, I would recommend seeing this. It is entertaining for the most part, but I would lower your expectations.

College Football (TV): Lots of blowouts that weekend. 3/10.


Hi, I don't remember seeing you here, welcome! Drop by more often gamerman!

I do love T2 a lot more but The Terminator is a classic for sure. 7.5/10



I swing by here and there.
