MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do Liberals Still Believe in the Presump...

Do Liberals Still Believe in the Presumption of Innocence?

I'm not sure anymore...


Why is this something that is only a liberal issue? I think that this is a human problem not a left or right problem. Again, putting a generalization like this out there is something that leads to more divisiveness.


Because only liberals are having a problem with it. Same for free speech. Conservatives are on the receiving end.


It's because liberals are the ones who are supposed to believe in the presumption of innocence. It's a cornerstone of liberalism, and yet these days I feel that many supposed liberals no longer believe in it.


Wrong, and your ignorant bias is coming out stronger the more posts you make.

How about "LOCK HER UP, LOCK HER UP"? Conservative Reich Wingers are ready to put people in jail even over investigations that came up empty.

You're essentially uninformed, or trolling.


What did they want to "LOCK HER UP!" over though?

There was no signs of a crime.

I'm not talking about morons here, like the "LOCK HER UP" Trump people. I'm talking about otherwise intelligent people.


Hillary had a private email server. Comey said it was okay because it was "extremely careless" instead of "grossly negligent".


Ivanka and Jared gonna get "lock them up" chants for the same issue? Nope and LOL!


Isn't the key word innocent until Proven Guilty?? What's it got to do with libs or cons?
