MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The word you find weird

The word you find weird

Every once in a while a word strikes me as different somehow, different than I've always heard it, even though it's the same as it always was.

Today, that word is: orange.

I've heard it and said it a million times, but today it's weird. One thing that's setting me off is there are a variety of ways people pronounce it. I say it about how it's spelled: or-anj. My boyfriend says it really sharp: ornch. Mark Healy on Roseanne and the narrator of Forensic Files say: are-anj. Now even the way I say it sounds weird to me.

What words do this to you?


Yacht - why isn't it spelt 'yot'?


I remember being in the 2nd or 3rd grade and wrote "banana." Suddenly I didn't recognise the word because it looked so weird. So I asked the person sitting next to me if that was really the correct spelling, and suddenly he or she wasn't sure because it looked so weird to them too 😀

I can't think of a more recent one, but I'm sure there have been quite a few.


See what you made me do. I had to look up the name of the fruit just to see if it is spelled "banana."
You always know how to spread the good cheer, one peel at a time!

1920s slang:
"Ah, banana oil."
"hogwash", "malarkey"








Some people will say "Ruff" when they mean "Roof." Unlike Grow-Sher, this doesn't bother me.
