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Government Shutdown in America

Even in France, we hear about this non-stop. The average government worker makes 80k/yr, what about the many who only make 20k? Why doesn't anyone care about them?

Why not get up and go fight in the street for your rights? You live like dogs. You look down on the poor in an attempt to look better on fuckbook.


The Americans could learn a lot about how to not work from the French.




Great French joke:

'For sale, French Army Rifle
Never fired and only dropped once'


Another great quote:

"The French would rather eat and make love with their faces than fight."


They should do all three like the rest of us:)


Live like dogs? Go fuck yourself. There's been 20 shutdowns since 1976 and though this is the longest one, they always get worked out. This isn't an instance where we should be fighting in the streets.


60 million in poverty, and you are stuck on fighting in the streets.

The richest 50 Americans have more money than the bottom 290 million combined.

Even kids shoot each other in schools. This doesn't happen anywhere else. And for the richest country in history, shows how docile you are. You would criticize if this happened in a "shit-hole" country. But it looks like you live in the shit-hole country that has been invading countries based on lies everyone in Europe knew.


Should we punish people for being rich and successful and tax the heck out of them? I don't think so. However, I would like to see universal healthcare in America. Many want that.

Most Americans don't agree with the wars, but isn't France still a part of the coalition? I mean, I'm not surprised since you guys have been attacked numerous times by radical Islamists. I'm not denying we have problems as a country, but you should look at your own problems before criticizing others. Last I heard France is going to stay Militarily engaged in the Middle East throughout 2019. I don't like Trump, but he's smart pulling out of Syria.

Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. France has problems as well. The rise of Anti-Semitism in your country is truly shocking. Your history is drenched in blood as well. What about the atrocities in Algeria? Some classify that as genocide. How about the French-Indochina War? It's time for France to face its pass and debate crimes against humanity.


"It's time for France to face its pass and debate crimes against humanity."

No, let's leave that white guilt in the past. France should debate the crimes that are going on NOW.


Why don't you talk about what's happening now? And about your second claim, do you even want to go that path? The people in charge of law and order, the police, shoot unarmed black men left and right. We get along fine with Arabs, about at the rate we get along with every other group. Your mainstream media always wants to make itself look great and make the rest of the world like it doesn't exist.


Like there's no police brutality in France? People are in comas from being shot point blank by rubber bullets and tear gas canisters. Some have even lost their eyes.

And what about the gang-rape of a canadian tourist by police from the famous BRI unit? The world is watching.

I suggest getting off your high horse and stop demonizing other countries, when yours has it's own set of problems to deal with. And if your watching American mainstream media, it's no surprise why your views are so misconstrued.

I love France, but you guys are far from saints.


Uhm, the yellow vests and their Antifa friends are kind of acting like dogs, aren't they?
