MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > List some of your most hated blockbuster...

List some of your most hated blockbusters of all time.

We all know about bad films. I just was curious as to which blockbuster films people seriously hate. I will list some of mine.

Godzilla 1998: Even as a kid I thought this movie sucked. The advertising was so good at being deceptive. A boring ripoff of Jurassic Park. Roland Emmerich is just pure cringe.

Daredevil: One could say I was high off of Spider-man therefore everything with the Marvel logo got my attention. Well I got a dark cringe worthy film with a very bland lead. This movie is a reason I have never been big on Affleck as an actor. Is he the worst ever no he is just so bland to me. The netflix tv show really illustrates how terrible this is. It was bad back then and it is even worse now. Now I do not put all the blame on Affleck he has done some decent work before but boy he can be hard for me to take. I saw this movie by myself sigh big mistake.

Green Lantern: Man just ugh! How was this film so bad? It had a talented director but the script was a giant stack of generic tropes. The effects looked faker than the mummy returns effects in 2002. The fact that it feels like a tired ripoff of top gun makes me hate it. What I hate is Guardians of the Galaxy comes out after this and completely kills this movie. This director did Goldeneye, Mask of Zorro and Casino Royale let that sink in man!

Ghost Rider: Same director as Daredevil surprise surprise. Let me just do you all a favor and spare you the time and say go watch Blade it is a vastly better version of this film. Tried so hard to be badass and it was just awful. No funny scene landed and the action sucked! Hey people even if your hero is a badass we need to see struggle! He breezes through all the villains without any difficulty at all. Blade while badass actually struggled with the vampires although rare still struggled. When you make him that invincible it is like playing a videogame with the invincibility cheat on. It is fun for like two seconds then it is boring.

Fantastic Four 2015: I was going to put the other ones released in the mid 2000's but my hell this one was worse than those. Those other ones while awful are cheese cringe fests. This goes for a serious dark gritty tone. Well I usually prefer that tone but when it is done this badly my hell. This movie had a talented cast also what happened? The director before made Chronicle my goodness! I did not think it was possible to be worse than the other ones but by damn they did it.

Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice: Okay Man of Steel disappointed me. Plenty of films have.I could not have guessed that this film would have been such a travesty. I literally could not believe after the TDK trilogy we got Batman in this pile of crap. I think this film is worse than Batman & Robin yes you heard me correct! Batman & Robin while terrible was at least entertaining. It was so bad it was hilarious. BVS thinks it is so deep and is a movie I honestly can not sit through. I saw it twice and it was even more painful the second time.

Justice League: I hate this film just as bad as BVS. I hated the whole oh it is better than BVS argument. Well is that really a hard feet? Also did I miss something? It was better? In what way? Oh yeah it was shorter I will give you that. What else was better? The effects for a movie of this budget were just an atrocity. This felt like a movie made in the late 90's. No excuse for a film with this high of budget. War of the Planet of the Apes and Blade Runner 2049 had smaller budgets and put this turd to absolute shame in cgi and visual effects. Oh and bringing in old music themes will make you look past all the terrible acting, writing, green screen, effects as well as how cringe worthy the jokes were.


Pearl Harbor 2001


2012 (2009)


Definitely agree with that one. I couldn't wait for it to be over.


I disliked The should have been a pair of 2 hour movies, no padding with stupid extra elements to make a trilogy
That story is a timeless classic for a reason and required no changes

The Fast and the Furious franchise never interested me
I saw one or two of them but damned if I can remember which ones

The Transformers was entirely unwatchable...I couldn't even tell who was hitting who half the time or why
Didn't care to be honest


Most of Michael Bay's and Roland Emmerich's movies. (Transformers, 2012, etc.)


"Gone With The Wind."

There is no need for a movie to be that long!


Can't quite explain how much I hate Avatar...
