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Feel good movies

What films cheer you up?


Groundhog Day reminds me to be a better person

Forrest Gump gives me a sense of hope

Conan the Barbarian reminds me to NEVER quit and keep going will win every battle if you keep going hard


Lucio Fulci reminds me that it can always get worse.


He might be dead but he sure aint wrong!
Some piker down the road has a way worse story than either of us buddy...
That is real talk


Hey do you know about Clinton Road? Don't you live close to there? I hear it is haunted and scary. But then again I live not too far from a portal to hell.


I used to be a fan of the haunted sights...Satanic Caves beneath Untermeyer Park in Yonkers, The NYC Aqueduct where The Son of Sam heard a Dog convince him to murder, sites of terrible suicides and Devil Cult graffiti in the woods...I would often go alone, with a flashlight and a switchblade

Its all a bunch of foolishness Amigo, ive seen a bunch of these places
Nothing but field mice and moths...nothing there but lies and old stories
Ive not seen this Clinton Road but it sounds like just more nonsense to me

I hike a lot nowadays...given up the ghost stories
I look out for coyotes now

Fulci's Gates of Hell movies were pretty great though!


I live down the road from the Stull, Kansas cemetery which is supposedly a portal to hell. It is a difficult place to visit because there is ALWAYS a cop there.


Stake it out if your'e game
When the cop goes for a pee or coffee break sneak into that old boneyard
I assure you that nothing is there
Nothing is ever there

I did these bust-ins dozens of times many years ago when i was young...

The Cannibal House in one of the River Towns, Westchester County, NY (i wont share the details as i committed a break-in by accident...i really thought awful things were happening in there)
Turns out i broke into a normal home, i climbed to the second story garage roof and jimmied open a window with a screwdriver and the dad chased me off with a lucky to be alive!

The Albino Midget Road and the legend of the White Buck over in Harrison NY (google it, it has some history)
I looked for Albino Midgets and White Deer many nights alone in my car...nothing:/

The fabled corpse stealers in the local cemetary in Yonkers...supposedly taking the fresh ones for spare parts re-sale...not only was that NOT true but after several nights of stakng the place out the gardener almost shot me and chased me off!

I have chased down a ton of these stories...there is no truth to any of them


Hahahahaha! love the story. The thing about Stull is it's kinda like Deliverance, they HATE outsiders, and they hate people from Lawrence the most, because it's the happening college town down the road. So, yeah, it's a small hick town in Kansas that might possibly be where Satan lives.


Any Chevy Chase films will cheer me up.


The Enchanted April is my #1 Cheers Me Up movie. Not the first 30 minutes, but after that.

The novel upon it's based is also wonderful, but this is a rare instance in which the film is better than the novel.


Requiem For A Dream


The Wedding Singer
Castaway (1986)
Guest House Paradiso
Midnight Run
Planes, Trains & Automobiles
Weird Science


Little Miss Sunshine


Saving Grace (2000)


On Golden Pond, Secondhand Lions, Forrest Gump and The Shawshank Redemption
