End Of Days

I HAD a good friend of mine whose wife finally convinced him to be a member of Jehovah's Witnesses. I'm projecting, but it seems like he's almost smug about knowing something the rest of us don't, that we are living in the EOD.
On top of that, his Wife has been doing this for over 30 years. So they get up everyday, go about their business just like everyone else, yet hold this belief Life On Earth will dramatically change - and soon !
I try to be respectful, but who believes this stuff?


Idiots who let their children die from preventable diseases and openly lie to minds much sharper than theirs thinking they are somehow pulling the wool over their eyes.

I wouldn't keep them as a friend, they'll be trying to recruit you next and that gives them the power of not caring about it being awkward.


You say 'I Had' so im assuming you fell out of touch with this fellow you liked so much
Im sorry to hear that
In my experience certain religions or faiths seem to pull the believers away from the rest of us and draw them into a tight little circle...
Its a shame really


Indeed. I think they force the congregants to re-prioritize their life, like Family, Faith, Work, other people aren't important unless you can bring them in.
Not only did this guy used to have his own philosophy, (Universal Patterns, wow man), but he's one of the most likable guys you'd ever meet. He would claim to not fit into situations, and more people would talk to him than me. He's kinda good-looking and very genial, very humble, very easy-going.
In a good way, he reminded me of a Big Dumb Dog, the kind of animal everyone wants to pet and hug.
He's still the same guy, but he's in his own clique now, and that's what's most important.
Oddly enough, it is actually better for his marriage as they are closer now than ever. He spent the first 30 years or so avoiding JW. That was her thing.


Yes, i completely understand you

I do not share this easily as i am not very religious or political or whatever...just sharing

A small branch of my Family Tree are Born Again Christians and i spent some summer weeks up in the country with them...They were lovely people and very kind

I went to a few of their services as a boy and had quite a lot of fun... Their 'Church Sundays' last all day and involve lots of people shouting things during service and often end in a fun cookout with games and cakes for the kids...i had some fun with them and i certainly felt a real power present during my times with those cousins ( i am Christian to be clear, but certainly not militant )
Frankly, i carry those memories to this day, over 30 years later

But the thought that a God would ignore non-believers who are decent people or even simply cast them into Hell was a bit of a turn off for me
They said that Jews, Muslims, Atheists and the rest were bound for damnation...it was all a bit much for me
I asked, 'What about decent primitive Indians on some island somewhere who never heard His word...Do they get the fire too?'
I was told 'There are exceptions made...'
I was a kid...11, 12, 13...

THAT was the moment i realized that Faith in an Almighty is a fine thing but 'Religion' is hokum

Its great to have Faith but the organized religions turn me off


The Mayan apocalypse is coming,19 days and counting



He's only smug because he's proud that the Jehovah's witnesses finally learned to wear steel-toed shoes to protect themselves when people slam the door on their damn intruding feet.


I have an older first cousin who has spent most of her adult life on JW. She is completely brainwashed and beyond help. Most of the relationships around her has been destroyed. Her long suffering husband somehow stays with her. There is more to life than worrying about end of days.
