MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Any fans of the Bruce Williams Show?

Any fans of the Bruce Williams Show?

In college, I had a part-time job delivering pizzas and discovered Bruce Williams. I learned a lot from the guy. He's still alive as far as I know but retired. Anyway, I am re-listening to his last broadcast, March 2013, and it makes me a little sad that he's no longer on the air. Mr. Williams dispensed a lot of wisdom over the years.


never heard of him


Never heard of him.



Did you ever listen to talk radio? He was very popular in the 90s and early 2000s.


seems like a local guy


Nope, nationally syndicated. He was the most popular talk host until Rush eventually surpassed him.


he had a one hour show on finances - that's considered filler programming in the radio business - this guy was not in Limbaugh's orbit.


Wrong on both counts.


Ah, that's why I've never heard of him. I listen mainly to Rush. He da man!



yes, he da man.... that likes little boys


I won't dignify that absurd accusation with a response.

It's Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Charlie Rich and lots of other Libtard scumbags who like little boys and/or groping and sexually assaulting women.



"I won't dignify that absurd accusation with a response"

you just did


LOL, true, he did.


Yes I do. I mainly listen to Rush, and sometimes Hannity.





He was a very popular non-political talk radio personality, back when there were such things. A call-in show that focused on business or financial questions but people could ask nearly any sane question and Williams would have an intelligent response. If he couldn't answer the question on the air, he would direct them toward a professional, tell them where to find the answer, or what criteria to consider if they needed to make a decision. Williams was one of those guys who had done lots of things in his life from being a pilot, a cook, a businessman, a politician, and who knows what else and he was sharp as a tack; exactly the kind of person you want to ask advice.

Some of his episodes are online, there are more on Youtube.


I understand now...we have the same thing here,also.


Here is one his more interesting calls, a defense contractor in a bit of a pickle.


Sounds interesting. I do enjoy good talk radio, and it's rare to find much anymore that isn't sports or politics. I used to listen to Art Bell occasionally, who was definitely a weird guy with some crackpot guests but he also had some real scientists like Michio Kaku from time to time.


I started listening to Art Bell back in the late 80's - early 90's when he was still talking about semi-normal stuff and conspiracies. Then gradually he started taking more calls by fruit loops who would claim to be in regular contact with Jupiter people and the show was even more entertaining. Loved his show. I listened for awhile after he retired and the new guy was good but it wasn't the same.
