MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Weinstein expelled from the Academy

Like they never knew.


I guess he was a big jerk....had no idea


Amen! Next step: Prison, where hopefully he will become some very large man's bitch.


"I Am the FBI"


As far as being expelled that is their business and most private organizations can set their own criteria for members including expulsion. As far as prison goes he should have due process just as anybody else accused of criminal activity. As far as prison goes I doubt he would get any real jail time as he knows the dirt on a lot of important people including politicians. He probably has a lot to barter with the DA in LA and federal prosecutors. Seeing as he was tied in with the Clintons he might under go suicide by a shot to the back of the head. I would bet that a lot of people are nervous in terms of if a case can be made against Weinstein.


I honestly dont know what the charges would be...he is alleged to have traded roles for 'favors' ... So maybe abuse/coersion...
I dont see jail time for old pervy Harv...i bet he makes a comeback somewhere out there (Europe appears to be forgiving of these sorts of things..?)
Asia almost certainly doesnt care...i dont think he has ANY connections there tho...
South America and Australia have very solid movie industries (lots of dramas and comedies...that sort of tale is in his wheelhouse)...IM still not certain that this guy is roadkill tbh...


I honestly can't think of how charges would be levied. It's his word against somebody else's with a dirth of evidence. Yeah, Europe forgave Polanski way back a few decades ago. Then there is Thailand where just about anything goes. Bill is more forgiving than Hillary so Bill might setup an arrangement outside the US for Weinstein for Harvey's continued silence on certain matters.


Are you saying HW and BC got up to girl shenanigans together..?
At this point it would make perfect sense!
I honestly dont know what to believe anymore...theyre beating up Casey Affleck and i LOVE that guys work:(


Weinstein was a Clinton campaign donor and he no doubt got some behind the scenes perks with Bill. And Bill no doubt knew Harvey was connected and then some in terms of finding tail. Not that I expect any actress to come forward in terms of connecting the dots with Bill but there has to be more than a couple of actresses out there with a Harvey-Bill tag team story. Sometimes things have to ferment for a few decades and somebody to develop an "I don't care who I piss off anymore because I just want to vent" attitude.


Wow...pretty crazy shit!
Bill WAS a known horndog...maybe something to it!
As great as sex is i cant believe some guys (rich/powerful/famous guys!! Not bums!!) let it fuck up their whole deal
Unbelievable really...
Probably an illness for some people i guess
I admired Clinton AND Weinstein a shitload!!
Maybe they are both just nuts..?
