MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Does anyone use MoviePass?

Does anyone use MoviePass?

This is apparently some Netflix style subscription service where you pay a monthly fee (like $10 a month) and you can see new release movies in theaters, up to 1 movie every day!
That sounds pretty awesome actually, even if you only use it one time in the month it's already paid for itself. A single adult night time ticket here is over $10.
I don't know if there are other restrictions like not being valid opening weekend or something? I have to check into the details more but it sounds pretty good. I was wondering if anyone has used it.


I never use this or netflix to watch a movie.


This is for watching movies in a movie theater, so it's different from Netflix but you pay by the month instead of per movie, so that is how it is similar to Netflix.


So,if you pay this 10$,but you skip to go and see a movie..maybe in that particular day you don't have time for this...then you loose the money or they give you back the money...hope it make sense🤔


No they don't give it back. You can go to a movie every day (30 movies a month) or you can go to 5 movies a month or you can go to 0 movies, the monthly fee is the same for all 3 people.


Hmmm...not bad,if this is true...this sistem could work even here.I mean i will borough for the entire month,if one day i can't see a movie,but i won't loose my's fine for me.


sounds like they want people to subscribe and then not actually go to the movies - hard to see how they make money otherwise


Either that or they somehow plan to monetize the member base in some other way. It certainly does not make a profit or even break even if each member even attends ONE movie a month. It does not seem sustainable to me, but it might be a train to just ride for as long as it runs and then hops off when it derails.


Moviepass already admits they'll lose money if someone sees two movies in a month with their pass. Yes, the service currently operates on pure hope. The main hope is that theaters will thank them for higher attendance by cutting them in on concession profits.


Interesting but it doesn't seem sustainable at $10 per month. Based on the bloomberg article posted by hownos, it seems like they are trying to boost membership numbers in advance of their IPO.
