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American Horror Story interested in watching but have some questions

Hi ive seen bits of AHS(pics,short clips) but never watched the show for real but im interested and i have some questions

Does season 1 feature the men covered entirely with black (the ones thats on posters he is in a red room) he looks cool.

Do they have to be watch in order or are they connected somehow to the previous seasons.

I think i spoiled myself on something in the Asylum season i think i know who the killer is, does that season offer more suprises or is that the big suprise.

In your opinion wich one is the best season and wich one is the worst



Yes season 1 features the guy you mention.
No you don't have to watch in order,although there are nods to other seasons at times.Each season is completely stand alone and doesn't depend on you having watched another.
Asylum,yes you find out who the killer is before the end anyway.FWIW that was quite a shocking moment for me!
But there is so much more great stuff in that season it's well worth the watch.
Best season for me is Asylum,closely followed by Murder House.The worst is easy,that is Roanoke it was terrible.


Alright glad the guy appears in season im looking forward to Murder hHouse i find it the most interesting and glad asylum has more suprises ill quickly loook forward to that one



The best season for me was Murder House and the worst was Roanoke. Hotel was really good too in my opinion. If I were you I would watch in order just so you don't miss the neat little connections (which to a nerd like me are pretty cool). ☺️


Hi Daisy and welcome.
I've enjoyed all the seasons,except for Roanoke.Hotel was awesome and I loved Gaga,she surprised me!
I know a lot of folk think Coven is quite a weak season but I loved it.


I didn't care for Lady Gaga really until Hotel, so I hear what you are saying there for sure. I also loved Coven! [spoiler]Lily Rabe and Stevie Nicks were magic all on their own!! Not sure if this is a spoiler, but sure would be a nice surprise if you didn't know! πŸ™‚ I just wished Evan Peter's character was more than a zombie..haha [/spoiler]
I think Coven was the first season that Kathy Bates showed up too, and she rocks.

And thanks for the welcome!! πŸ‘‹


Yes I got chills when [spoiler]Stevie Nicks wandered through that house singing "Seven Wonders" and I think Misty was my favourite character [/spoiler].I wish we'd seen more of Rabe in hotel but the little she was in was great.

I think my favourite moment in the whole of the AHS seasons was The name game with Jessica Lange! Genius.


I totally agree! Best guest star ever!
And the name game was great!


Oh and I think I totally have a crush on Lily Rabe, she is so awesome!!


What about Lange singing that Bowie classic in Freak Show

One thing not mentioned a lot is this series soundtracks.
Freaks had great music as did Hotel.


Yes definitely. I'm usually all weird about anyone covering Bowie 😡 but yes it was great!
Freak show was the first one as it happens,then I caught up.Have you seen Todd Browning's Freaks?
Hotel's soundtrack was great.But that Sally character Argh!


Freaks was pretty cool.
At least the song was done for the show and not just to do it.
It was very well done. It fit perfectly.

Sally was awesome. What a great backstory. She's one you hate to love.


Hotel,what I didn't expect to get from it was a real sense of poignancy.People doing terrible things or being terrible people but always with the tragic backdrop.
Speaking of which Elsa Mars back story in Freak Show...
I really hope Jessica returns one day.


I'm with you. I'm not a Gaga fan. She really impressed me. I though she did a terrific job.
She was almost mesmerizing and freaky hot.
She really surprised me.


Totally agree. It made me want her to have more of a part the next season. But that season wasn't anything I thought it would be.

Geeze, I sound harsh. haha


I wouldn't say harsh just honest. That seems to be the consensus.
I didn't think it was horrible. I still watched it. just wasn't my favorite season.
I don't think anybody thought that season would be the way it was.

I hope she comes back. I'd like to see what else she can do.


She was totally wasted in Roanoke,her part as the witch was far too small.

The next one is called Cult I think and is possibly about an election or THE election! Probably won't be long to wait anyway.


I'm with you. I'm not a Gaga fan. She really impressed me. I thought she did a terrific job.
She was almost mesmerizing and freaky hot.
She really surprised me.


Awesome cool i have heard terrible things of Roanake good thing is season 6 so i went get to that one for a while, i wanna see Hotel cause im interested in Gagas character.



Personally I would watch all of them except the last series, which just seemed so dull and boring in comparison. I didn't even finish watching the series I was so disappointed with it.


I agree,I think it's fair to say that a lot of fans were disappointed.
They'd built up the excitement by not releasing a theme but releasing 6 teasers none of which seem now to have been accurate!
I found it unoriginal and they left the only truly interesting aspect of the story unexplored!


Which part are you referring to being left unexplored? Forgive me if its obvious but my memory for that season isn't the best.


I just think they could have explored the Roanoke mystery more,instead of focussing on the awful haunted house theme and the reality show nonsense.
By the way,the only time I really got excited about that season was when Evan Peters turned up as a relative of Dandy from Freak Show!


I don't remember him being a relative of Dandy's! I love those little cross overs though. But yes they should have just told the story of the Roanoke and skipped the tv show altogther maybe. Hmmm...


Cool ill try to watch season 6 even if its terrible to say i have watched it lol



Q:Does season 1 feature the men covered entirely with black (the ones thats on posters he is in a red room) he looks cool.

Q:Do they have to be watch in order or are they connected somehow to the previous seasons.
A: You don't have to watch them in order. "Hotel" does feature some characters from "Coven" and there are a few other links and crossovers, but the seasons can easily stand on their own.

Q: In your opinion wich one is the best season and wich one is the worst
A: season 1, asylum, hotel are my favorites.
Roanoke is my least favorite.
Coven and freakshow are sort of in the middle.
