MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I went on a police ride along yesterday.

I went on a police ride along yesterday.

I felt like I was a ghost throughout the experience. A casual observer. It started at 4:30 pm and ended at 10:00 pm. The officer was a quiet guy. We didn't talk much, and when we did it was in low tones. I didn't even get to wear a bullet proof vest. :( When it first started out he said that we would be patrolling the "out skirts of Monterey" by that I assume he meant the county not the city. But along the way to Prunedale when he was asking me about what I knew about police work he notice that a guy in front swerved on to the oncoming traffic lane. He said, "What the fuck?" the swerved around to chase him. He zoomed towards the car at the speed of a rollercoaster and signaled the driver to pull over to the side of the road. I stayed in the car as he got out to question the driver a "Hispanic" guy with a face tattoo. He cuffed the guy and put him in the back seat, and searched the vehicle under the chairs, in the trunk and under the trunk fabric. Finding nothing he un-cuffed the guy and let him go. It turn out the guy was on probation and was driving without a license so he left him to be picked up by his mom who was the owner of the vehicle. It turned out the guy had the exact same birthday as me 10/10/90.

Then we went to reservation road, where a guy was sighted aimlessly walking in the road. It turned out he was walking to Marina, walking being his only method of transportation. Then we drove to the small town of Chular where he transported some Indian they arrested for having warrants. There was something weird going on with the guy's shorts though. As we drove him to the county jail they found that he was wear numerous shorts at the same time. As well as numerous shirts as well. They figured that was for a quick disguise change so if he was identified as having blue shorts he could change to green shorts. The booking took about an hour.


That quick-change guy sounds hilarious!

I'm curious about the guy that swerved though. Did he swerve because the cop made him very nervous (since he was driving without a license)? It was nice of the cop to not arrest him.


"That quick-change guy sounds hilarious!"

Yes the booking agents were giggling.

"Did he swerve because the cop made him very nervous (since he was driving without a license)? It was nice of the cop to not arrest him."

I never found out about that. I think maybe he was tired. But he wasn't breathalyzed.


We then drove to Castroville to a party or something where another dumb Indian needed to be put into an ambulance because he was suffering paranoid hallucinations from his meth use. Poor bastard. Then we went to check on a home alarm that became a false trigger. Afterwards he went to Prunedale to transport another prisoner who was yet another dumb Indian. The man was spotted drinking at a levee and told by an officer to leave. While his friends had left he had stayed and argued.

The officer gave him 5 opportunities to leave but chose to argue and ended up getting arrested. He told the cop him name was "The Punisher" so that's what they booked him under. He even put up a bit of resistance getting into our cop cruiser. He said, "I am the Punisher,... I am. I grab your gun Don't touch me rough. I got rights." The officer said, "Ok Punisher. Punisher sit. You have the right to sit." Eventually they got him in the back seat. So we drove back to the county jail with a drunk Indian in the back of the cop car banging his head against the window asking me what right I had to be sitting next to the officer and cussing in Spanish saying things like "puta madre, mierdna". As we got to the jail the officer opened a back entrance that let me walk back to the sheriff's office where my dad was waiting for me to pick me up.


Indians very rarely speak in Spanish, unless you are writing about Hispanics, Latinos, or Native Americans. Indians are from India.


They were Amerindians,... American Indians.


Not to nitpick, but using the term "dumb Indian" is kinda offensive, even to non-Indians. Dumb comes in all colors and nationalities


Is this an exercise to write every MovieChat profanity filter's blocked words into a story? You had "fuck," "poor bastard," "dumb Indian," "puta madre" and "mierda" already. Good job.


You win the kewpie doll.
