MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > i love this site butttt

i love this site butttt

damn we need more traffic

ive posted on a few forums and no one has replied

some forums are just dead

im not bashing anyone here. i LOVE THIS SITE and hope it stays. Its so much easier to use than IMDB2

Anyway im not begging for people to reply to me but i hope we can all be a bit more active (of course i could just not be looking at the right movies/shows)


you really love Little House on the Prairie


The reason I've been posting there is because theres alot of active people there

but stuff like seinfeld, cheers, all in teh fmaily are dead


I love all of those shows. Hmmmmmm.... guess we're going to have to work on getting those boards moving!


Yeah, try branching out a bit lol.


I was thinking the same thing lol


I know you were lol. 😉


I just took a quick look at your posting history, and agree with the others branching out to other boards is a good idea. I know there are a few people here who also like and post on the Little House on the Prairie board, but apparently not a lot.

If you like older shows, try the Twilight Zone board. There's a very nice and active community of posters on there.

Most of us here on General Discussion do post on whatever boards interest us, as we think to do it, and keep an eye on the Trending section on the home page to see which boards have been recently posted on. I often check out those boards and reply if I've got something to say.

I've had good luck with responses, even when I was the first person posting a thread. Sometimes the responses are immediate, or nearly so, and sometimes it takes a while. I just carry on, regardless. Eventually the site will build. IMDb had been around for many years in order to build the traffic it had on its boards.


IMDb maybe has got the more active former posters there spoiled a bit :). We need to adjust our expectations here I think.

Just keep posting. That's the only way we would get things going. When I watch a movie I try to go to its board and post something. I don't always get responses, but to be honest that happened on IMDb as well. If it wasn't super popular or a show airing at the moment, some boards were pretty slow over there as well. And you can see that from the archives here (that's my observation at least).

I hope you stick around :) Keep posting and arm yourself with patience. We're now laying the foundations, so we can't expect to be having our coffee in the living room just room yet.


We definitely do. Most of the time I don't have that much to really say or make a valuable contribution to a discssion but force myself to say something/anything just to fill the page up - throwaway, daft (non-trolling) comments mostly :)


Hang in there, Jason. Give it time to grow.



I agree. I came on here quite a bit right when it started, but stopped coming a lot once I realized that most of my other fellow imdb posters weren't here. I think the main problem is just lack of awareness. When the imdb boards a lot of people were talking about other replacement sites (not nearly as good as this one), but this site just didn't catch on.

But that said, I think it potentially will in time. Remember, it's only been a few months since the closing of Imdb boards, so just give it time. Once word catches on, things can change very quickly.
