MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Worst thing you've ever done?

Worst thing you've ever done?

What would it be?


I will plead the Fifth, even though the statute of limitations has run on all the incidents in question.


Said stuff to ppl out loud, it was the truth though. Use certain word, some ppl dont like that word ! Michael Richards from Seinfeld found out during his stand up routine, lol.


When I was 20, I ratted out a girl for not paying me half of the hotel room she promised by telling her boyfriend, who she also lived with. He thought I was a spammer at first, but when I proved it, he paid "as promised" -- and then after two years, we started again. And then after saying something that pissed me off, I told a new guy she lived with... but.... she called months later.. Off and on, off and on for over a decade - up until this year, when I've continued to turn down her request for me to spend the weekend over her house.

Initially, it had nothing to do with the money. She brought it up "I owe you money, gimme your address" and I did. And she'd say it over and over, and then after she said "You never gave me your address, silly" - I had had enough... She left me a voicemail, saying "That was really stupid giving me your address. It won't be long before we see each other." and this woman being 9 years older than me, I thought "Maybe she's nuts and will screw with my car perhaps"


Trusting someone.


Well I don't think it's bad but other people might: gay rhymes-with-shmex
