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Did aliens give us our tech?

Random thought of the day. Since the dawn of time, approx. 5000 years ago, we began to actually record history. So we really only know our culture from 3000 BC to the present. But humans have existed prior to that, we just didn't record anything down so we only have limited knowledge. However, our technology is known since those artifacts have been and are still being found. And our technology didn't really advance much over thousands and thousands of years. Horse drawn carriages, torches, metallurgy and blacksmithing and what nots have been the tools we used for milleniums. Like, literally, thousands of years. Then, all of a sudden, BOOM! We have this....this crazy technologically advanced world. And when did it all start? Roughly within the past 150 years. Maybe even less than that. We made cars, discovered how to harness and control electricity and now we can talk through radio waves, shoot humans out of this protective sphere into the deep dark void, and literally store our lives on electronic devices that relies on a mathematical concept called "imaginary numbers." OOOOOOOOH, sexy!

So, any theories on how for thousands of years, our technology was pretty much, eh, and now we can do just about anything we want, anytime we want to do it? ALIENS! That's right motherfuckers. We have alien technology. There's no other fucking explanation, right? I mean, come on, it's pretty fucking obvious, some how, we got a hold of some technology that wasn't natural on Earth or for humans and that took us to this imaginary world that relies on imaginary numbers.

Makes sense.


"Random thought of the day. Since the dawn of time, approx. 5000 years ago, we began to actually record history. So we really only know our culture from 3000 BC "

Seems like the Bible is correct when it says that earth is 6000-9000 yrs old




Did I word this badly that people don't know the difference between "History" and "Recorded History?"

Quick lesson, yall. Recorded history is history that has been documented by humans. Which began about 3000 BC.

Yes, Dinosaurs existed millions of years before that, but did any of those fucking lizards write anything down for us to read about them later? Nope. Therefore, it's not considered "Recorded History."

/End History Lesson.


Show me a living dinosaur. How convenient is it to see no living dinosaur before our eyes.



I think it's pretty god damn convenient, since those assholes would have a hard time walking through our narrow big city streets.


Maybe all life on Earth was created by aliens, or just our species. Or maybe we've had alien visitors. Never know. Maybe famous humans from history were aliens. Or we could be living in a virtual reality like in the movie The Thirteenth Floor.


I watched a program on a science channel a few days ago which referenced cave paintings in the Australian outback and dated them to 10,000 years ago. So, I took a further look and discovered someone had discovered others which supposedly date back to 28,000 years ago, according to carbon dating.
My point is, wouldn't this qualify as " recorded history ? "


Technically yes, but officially no. Since recorded history is an actual defined term within the science community.

"For broader world history, recorded history begins with the accounts of the ancient world around the 4th millennium BC, and coincides with the invention of writing."


No offense, but this comes across as ego driven semantics.


Not sure what to say here. I didn't define "recorded history." I'm sure that definition went up through a panel of experts who made it official. So if anyone, it's their ego driven semantics.


If knowledge is power and power corrups,how the human kind ever survives?


Actually, yes you did when you tried to narrow it down to 5000 years, which you've been catching a lot of flak over and maybe rightfully so.
Speaking of experts, there's the controversy of the Piltdown Man. It illustrates that scientists are not exempt from deceit and conspiracy.


It is 5000 years if you sum it up. Math, I know it's not for everyone.


Truth and accuracy, I know they're not for everyone.


3000 BC to 2000 AD = ????

Lol. Learn math.


The ruins of Gobekli Tepi in Turkey, under excavation since 1995, have been dated as 12000 years old and have forced scientists to rethink their timeline of civilization. As recent as one year ago, the site was designated as, " our zero point in time. "

Learn to keep abreast of more recent developments.


