MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Let's regroup and thrash out terms!



I posted this earlier

A few rules to adopt

1. No socks. If you can't express yourself in one account, you don't need to express it. Everyone knows why they are used and for what purpose

2. Doxing won't be tolerated.

3. No name calling. Giving an opinion is fine, but name calling only leads to trouble.

4. No ganging up. Friendships happen on sites. Unavoidable. But if you aren't involved in a fight stay out or be considered as part of the problem. Excluding if one is a troll causing the trouble with a user. But that is what report is for to be reviewed and a descision made.



That's a good idea. Abusing the report button was a big problem at imdb.

Maybe seventeen or eighteen the earliest



Some people want further unwanted moderation ! They want users they hate out ! This should not be allowed !


Trying to control a place and its discussions, and screenshotting user posts and stalking them



I'd say we have to look at the basic legal aspects first.

* A minimum age for membership
* No linking to copyrighted materials such as downloads and streams
* All agree on using English are the primary language to communicate on this site
* No personal information is given out about another user
* No flooding message boards with off topic conversations continuously
* No spamming of advertising links or unrelated websites and products
* No personal attacks, attack the argument not the person making it
* Act towards others as you would expect to be treated by others
* Be the change you want to see the board becoming

There, that's a few which might make for a decent starting point.



Maybe adopt Facebook's policy. You have to be at least fourteen. I feel much younger posters wouldn't be mature


I think IMDB and many other sites had 13 as a minimum age but I think that since we'll be discussing a lot more adult themes on these boards for the best part I think at least 16 or maybe 18 as that allows for a more loose form of language and people younger than that can always lie about their age but know they are talking with people who can treat everyone else on the boards as an adult and so can't hide behind shock when someone talks about darker aspects of cinema such as torture, rape and massive genocide.

I'm open to their being a means to segregate younger people into their own forum though to be as inclusive as possible.

What do you think?



I think 15/16 is acceptable with them understanding that boards for movies rating 18+ will contain strong language and concepts which may be challenging for them which they have to agree to see before having access to them.

It is only possible to accommodate so much before it is more of a hindrance than it is a help.


Would you please tell me whats wrong with this "batman" guy???!! Every time i added any post or replied, this guy came with same dialogue "is he/she need to be scourging"!??????? Its really unbelievable, even i go to any movie/tv series/actor's page i see the same word he/she wrote down everywhere/everytime. Too much annoying......... I think this guy some kind of fetish who like to see other people's pain or do a lot of "submissional sex".


A spammer. Just ignore. Jim said the feature to ignore was coming


I hope so. Anyway, thanks.


Who knows what his deal is, but don't confuse Batman9 with the good poster, Batman89 (or similar). I don't care about Batman9's type of trolling. Annoying, sure, but not a real problem here. There are, on the other hand, a number of actual problematic posters, who are destructive. Batman9 is nothing.


Stop trying to control this place, destructive troll.


You've gotten the two Batman accounts mixed up, which was probably the point of Batman6, the scourging troll. Batman89 (or is it 86? not sure) is fine, not a troll, and has no irritating scourging fixation.

I find Batman6 to be somewhat irritating, primarily due to his repetition, and secondarily because he's only interested in talking about punishing women (it would be no better if his posts were misandry), so there's a strong sexist/misogynistic element to his posts, which would not be tolerated and would be repeatedly called out if he were racist instead. None of the above are acceptable or necessary in normal discourse.

Name-calling (moron, fvckwit, idiot, retard, etc) is likewise unnecessary.

Obviously doxxing and the like are unacceptable.

Too bad we even have to hash this out and Jim's "common sense" rule isn't enough. But the reality is, the more popularity this site gains, and it is, and it will, the less it's enough.

Thanks, Dazed, for opening the topic. I doubt it'll get anywhere with this ultimately, but I appreciate your effort.



Hi Dazed,

I just now got the notification for this post from you. Yeah, I hope we get somewhere too, and do think, unfortunately, expecting all -- or even most -- posters to use and recognize common sense is too idealistic. It'd be great if that weren't the case, but it seems obvious it is. Oh well.

I also agree Batman6 has distinct misogynistic undertones. In fact, I'd say overtones. But he's the type of poster who's so easily taken care of -- in the short term anyway -- with a block button, he's only very barely on my radar.


Stop policing this site.



It's Batman6 I believe!! 89 seems stable....


You're right, it is Batman6. I'll edit my posts to correct the name.



Good, and thanks. I got their names mixed up too. Easy enough to do, which I gather was the point. All the same Batmat6 and Angryman[whatever numbers he has behind his name] are the least of our concerns; they're just minor annoyances.

It's the hard-core, destructive trolls here that are the actual problem. A block or ignore function isn't going to be enough to rid ourselves of them, because they don't CARE and will continue on here until they either overrun the site and ultimately destroy it (as they've done to at least one other), or have full reign. Naturally they're very strongly lobbying here against any kind of moderation, and are attempting to use fear tactics to convince others Jim will be unable to select mods who are anything less than SS types of people. They know they won't be selected, and it's a slam against Jim that they have no confidence in his ability to choose fair and honest mods. Because they trolled the IMDB2 site so hard -- and BRAGGED about it here (go ahead trolls, scramble to delete those incriminating posts -- it won't matter) -- they were banned. Quelle surprise, you reap what you sow, and then refuse to take any responsibility for it. LOL!

They're conducting warfare here, no mistake about it.


I'll let you know that i have 100 socks on IMDb2 right now and 200 socks here as well. Try and catch me now.


This is what i call trolling a troll


Oh, do you? Not exactly something to brag about, izzit?

Just another screencap for me to post, when necessary, to show you're admitting to having many socks, while claiming to not be one of your many. Along with your many other admissions. Thanks!


Kill yourself Betty you have more socks than me here, on imdb, imdb2, and other places.


Keep screenshotting, no life piece of shit. Your life is worthless like your prostitute mother's was


I think you are mistaken Catbookss.

I am only here to show that you and I should never be moderators.

You because you are incompetent and suffer from low self esteem which you seek to punish others for and...
Me because I will always find the trickster, the person who shouldn't be near vulnerable people or people who need some support and assistance in a wider community.

If Jim can accept my stance on this then I am happy that your abuse of others will not be allowed here beyond your paranoid delusions as a regular member.

Do you have a counter compromise?


This POS used to report me 1000 times a day daily on IMDb using its 1000 socks and don't expect this massive ass wipe to ever stop. It has been arrested over 10 times in real life for being a criminal. So there is no point discussing anything with this POS and just use ignore feature from now on.

It used to spend hours using various socks begging IMDb administrators to ban users it hated. They hated her guts and she was one of the reasons why IMDb boards closed.

It created imdb2 proboard and now possesses information of over 3000 former imdb users.


LOL! Running really scared, are you, "Ben"? I'm not surprised. Too many people are onto you now, and your days are numbered. You know this.

What will you do with the longs hours of your day, each day, without having movie/TV sites to troll and attempt to destroy? May I suggest YouTube comments, if you really start jonsing for your daily fix of vitriol.

Better yet, find yourself a good shrink and be honest with him or her, and yourself, for the first time in your life. Have the guts to face yourself, instead of continually running away, and attempting to harm other people you don't even know.

Sss! The truth hurts, sure. But it's far better to finally become a man and face the truth than it is to keep running from yourself. Your choice.


Nice projection there.

Why haven't you taken up that offer yourself?


It basically admitted to being Betty.


That's what it looked like to me.


Unfortunately that's not its only sock here. My policy has always been to admit being who i am even on IMDb. i never hid myself.


I've only lurked in the past and watched with merriment but this taking part stuff is pretty full on.

I'm missing threads with my name on them and stuff because I'm too busy chasing notifications.

I don't know how these socks do it!


Well, this Betty person has been on the internet since 1996. It is used to such environment. It tries to control everything. Not only does it control imdb2 right now, it also wants to take over this site thru various means, and other imdb offshoots. I am also on TMDb and let me tell you, Jim needs to learn a thing or two from Travis. He is operating a professional site there and he won't tolerate such cajoling from these concern trolls (even though he is in love with one of the female mods he has appointed there lol)

Jim needs to be professional. Trolls will come and go, but this site has a potential and he should not let it go to waste because of such no life trolls.


"Trolls will come and go, but this site has a potential and he should not let it go to waste because of such no life trolls."

Let us hope so.


I am not running scared i am exposing your no life reality to the world here and TL;DR asshole fuck yourself


I'm not mistaken. You've shown yourself very clearly now for who, and what, you are. You've made that abundantly obvious long before now. Good job!


Kill yourself gutter scum. You won't stop new users from coming here. Go back to your shitty imdb2 proboard that no one will visit eventually. Your attempts to control this site using your various socks hoping to become a moderator will fail miserably.


Again. You. Have. Said. Nothing. But. You've. Managed. To. Take. Up. Time. And. Effort. In. Your. Doing. So.

The very second you want to try any specifics or fact based opinions instead of your paranoid delusions of grandeur I'll let the Kindergarten know to expect you for registration.


It will send moderators reports 1000 times a day against various users using its many socks. It won't ever stop. Talking to it is worthless. My ids are dispensable anyway. I will speak out the truth against such pieces of shit whenever i feel like it


I really wouldn't mind so much if there was any glimmer of talent behind those dried up prunes for balls words and sentiments he tries to make.

It really is just a Pavlovian response by this point.


The internet isn't what it used to be. It is full of pieces of shit like this asswipe. FUCK THIS ASSHOLE


Is that so? Then why do you continue to waste your time responding to me, over and over again? Far more than I respond to you as Wilson, ignoring your other user names.

*waits for the feigned outrage and predictable deflection*


Because ignore function is not yet available no life Betty bitch.

I will use my hidden ids to enjoy this site. I have exposed you and i hope no one makes you and your socks moderators here.


Funnily enough, I don't have a block function available to me either. And yet, most of the time I'm perfectly capable of ignoring you.

Also, amazingly, I'm capable of responding to you the few times I do, without saying things such as you have no life, or using any kind of insulting adjectives.

Go figure.


You've not given me the same treatment.

That's on record.


I am capable of ignoring you and moving on when the feature is enabled. No one wants someone like you as a moderator.


"*waits for the feigned outrage and predictable deflection*"

Predict away. It's only a prediction if you say it before it happens mother fucker.


It will also try to befriend them and be friendly with them for weeks, then try to cajole them into doing its bidding. And not just here. Any IMDb offshoot it will be present there ruining the experience for everyone else.



I am just letting people know what kind of assholes are trying to kill this site before it even flourishes. For a website to flourish you need new users and different personalities. You don't just let PC SJW nerds try and control this place.


Ah well, then you've missed a lot, Dazed. Disagreement is one thing, this is entirely another.

Angryman and Batman6 are nothing. I don't think either of them have ever even posted here, and may not be aware of this board. But the real trolls here have and are, and no mistake about it. I'd never heard of them before, as the IMDB boards I frequented were virtually troll-free, and I never bothered with the general boards there, so I'd never heard of or encountered any real trolls there. Until here, and now.

Disagreements are one thing, and not a big deal -- or shouldn't be, anyway. I know little of what happened on IMDB2 either, and certainly don't care. Not only did I never bother to register there, I've never even been to the board.

No disrespect at all intended, as I like you, but IMO you're a bit naive about what's actually going on here. Keep your eyes wide open. Read posters' post histories. Note if they have an unusual number of deleted posts, and if you can gather from surrounding posts what they've likely said. There are a number of trolls here who are attempting to cover their tracks. Just so you know.


You are one of the most insidious pernicious trolls here. You want to control this site.



Great. I don't want this nonsense either. I just don't want wrong people becoming moderators.



I think it would be better if this site doesn't go in the hands of moderators who are already trying to witch hunt new users into leaving or banning them.

IMDb boards were moderated mostly automatically, and few administrators/moderators interfered only when serious issues happened. Otherwise it was pretty much automated and it flourished.

I am here because i miss IMDb boards. This site was created as potential replacement for imdb boards, so naturally we want an environment similar to imdb.

If you let common users become moderators, they will ruin this place. They still start banning controversial users, controversial threads and posts. And anything they consider wrong in their judgment will get deleted. For example, if some moderator hates gays or trannies, he will ban a gay user or a tranny user.

Human bias is a huge concern.

But these aspiring moderators here? They are way worse. They are openly stalking users, telling them how they will ban them just because they hate new users coming in.

tl;dr it would be better for us to discuss movies, the reason why we are here.

Best moderation would be where it is latent and not an issue.

TMDb is doing good moderation, even though it is quite PC. There is no bias there against any users and the site looks professional. MC should learn from them

MC should not do what IMDb2 has done. The mods there are out of control along with the troll admin.


"There seems to be more than a little paranoia at play but I'm being honest (not naive)when I say I missed the troll attack that catbookss mentioned,whatever it was.So I cannot really comment on it except to say,how bad could it have been if the majority seem blissfully unaware?"

One last post on your thread, Dazed, as I'd missed this one from you.

How bad was the troll attack, you ask? Bad enough for Jim to write a post about it, and make several changes on the registration process to help stem the increasing tide:

"Looks like we've just had our first troll attack! We all knew they would come, and I had been anticipating it and had already put IP-banning measures in place." (etc.)


i am sure you were behind that attack. You have an agenda to make this site look bad.


I don't have a history with Ben et al. Never knew anything about her/him until they began posting here, but the writing on the wall soon became clear enough.

If you want to turn a blind eye, that's your prerogative. But you might want to pay attention to those who are, and have been for a while now, so strongly lobbying against moderation and believe, for example, the moderation on IMDB was "perfection."

Perfection if you were a troll, sure. Otherwise, not so much.

But hey, think what you want. Just realize that any discussion about thrashing out terms is inevitably going to involve trolling -- what is and what isn't, etc.

Yeah, it's a movie message board. All most of us want is just a place where we can discuss films and TV show in at least relative peace. That's what it was like here for the first 2-3 weeks, and it was great, but it's not like that anymore.


Use ignore when it is enabled and forget my existence you fucking retard


"That's what it was like here for the first 2-3 weeks, and it was great, but it's not like that anymore. "

I am sorry this isn't your personal playground where few people you like should be allowed in.


"All most of us want is just a place where we can discuss films and TV show in at least relative peace."

As long as your rules are followed as you've made so abundantly clear through your trolling and bullying behaviour.

This ain't your world and you don't get to tell people how to be.

I'll coexist with you but you are sure as shit I won't take anything you say with any authority as you are a bundle of sticks who is scared of ludicrous mules looking to chew the cud with one another over movies.


"As long as your rules are followed as you've made so abundantly clear through your trolling and bullying behaviour.

This ain't your world and you don't get to tell people how to be."

What rich irony, that.


I'm only telling you how things work in my world.

Not yours.

And don't pretend you understand irony you Reality Bites YouTube clip of a person.



Batman6 and Angryman are the least of MovieChat's problems. They're only minor annoyances, easily solved by a block or ignore feature.

I have no problem with independent mods.

I see I've offended you, which wasn't my intention. I'll bow out now. I didn't expect you to take any sides, and that certainly wasn't why I suggested (not accused) you may be naive or turning a blind eye. But, I don't expect you to believe me. You'll find out eventually who was telling the truth and who wasn't.

I also didn't say I thought this thread would fail. Please reread my post. What I did say, which if not obvious to begin with should certainly be by now, is that it's no possible to thrash out terms without discussing what is or isn't, or should be and shouldn't be, allowed, which is intimately concerned with what is and what isn't trolling.

Anyway, I'm done now. I have no hard feelings towards you.


" Anyway, I'm done now. I have no hard feelings towards you. "

He hates your guts lol


Ban trolls trying to take over
