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🔺⛑️ Make MovieChat Great Again!! ⛑️ To the top! 🔺

I'm fed up reading about #FakeViews. People pretending to be nice so that they can be selected as moderators to manage our freely given content. These people aren't nice, they are thieves! They want to take away your voice and replace it with their own.

To those who want to be moderators here; where are the emails?

Jim gives us his email address, he is open and accountable in that regard and has nothing to hide. Those seeking to curb the tides of cultural dissent, where are your emails?

What do you have to lose when it is shown that you are frauds? Huge frauds! The biggest frauds!!

I say we make MovieChat great again and we get these lying regressive left propagandists and put them behind a firewall, a huge, massive, great big firewall. AND we make them pay for it!

Wear a red cap in your posts to show your support for our old trumpet playing emote from IMDb.

Vote [Trum] ⛑️




Well I emailed jim. But I'll put it out there. Strannger

[email protected]

I agree if you want to be one be held accountable.


There should be a poll and moderators voted for. I will vote for you


You can also reach me there if Jim chooses me for problems in confidence or until the pm system happens


Thanks Strannger.

For this display of trust you have my support to be considered for the role of moderator.

Would you be for replying to a set of hypothetical questions from across the membership here to let them understand your thought processes and perceptions upon what moderation is/can be/should be?

I think if we have the right people in positions of authority and that the responsibilities are held in high regard with transparency then we will have quality moderation and that is the type that will barely be noticed but will be hugely beneficial to all. A thankless task but an important one if done properly.


Yes Wheelin send them to me or write them here for all to see.

I agree for any site we need good moderation and I will try my best to be unbiased & fair.


I'm not falling for that.


Falling for what? Well I dint know hiw Jim will handle it by email. But if not I'll use what he wants. So what are the questions?


Falling for what?

I'm now using comedy to illustrate the same points I tried to make in a seriously toned thread which I got hounded for (Unfairly I might add!).

I don't want a conspiracy of silence running the moderation on these boards. If people want to be mods (Thanks for doing so whoever you will be) they have to appreciate that it can easily go South and will send people, potentially fragile people, away if they don't operate with full transparency and accountability.

Using a Trump campaign advert style is just to show that the #FakeNews/#FakeViews are propaganda mongers who try to talk about common sense and morality without having ever stepped a toe outside of their own tumblr or Twitter account into the real world where time and money is important to people who work and want their downtime to be enjoyable and free from corruption.


I'm not giving out my email address.


Then I don't think you should be a moderator. No beef against you but that's how it should be if you ask me.

It will separate the wheat from the chaff knowing who is prepared to be held accountable for their potential actions.

I realise this could turn into its own problems but as nobody is willing to discuss the finer aspects of corruption those who are free from such desires would have nothing to hide now and be open to a proper discourse over what constitutes a proper moderator team.




The chaff is already being amply sorted out from the wheat by their respective consistent posts here. No chaff or wheat email need be revealed.

Just earlier tonight you advised using one's email address for a username was a bad idea. Because, of course, it was made public. But now you're backpedalling and saying anyone who's interested in becoming a mod, or who is made a mod, should publicly give out their email? Why not require all mods to use their email as their username, then? Oh wait, according to you that's a bad idea … when it's convenient for you.


Not at all Catbookss.

I'm saying that if someone wants to be a moderator here they should have nothing to hide.

Isn't that the very argument that was used against me asking for rules and clarification of what moderators roles and accountability would be?

Nothing to hide = not guilty of something.

Oh, or is privacy only important to those who will be getting these additional powers, sort of an exemption from the law because they then become the law.

Sorry sweet cheeks, I've shown you to be a racist if a certain filter was applied and now I've shown you to be a hypocrite too. I don't support you in any role here other than member (Same as I).


" Sorry sweet cheeks, I've shown you to be a racist if a certain filter was applied and now I've shown you to be a hypocrite too. I don't support you in any role here other than member (Same as I). "

I agree


Not at all? Really. If someone has nothing to hide, be they mere mortal members such as you and I, or potential mods, or at some point actual mods, why should they be willing to -- or worse, forced to -- publicly reveal their personal information, which you yourself advised against, and are so concerned about Jim and whatever mods he selects having access to?

Are you going to dodge answering that question, same as you dodged being proven wrong about the etymology of "calling a spade a spade," during which you accused me multiple times of being a racist (oh, but then it wasn't what you really believed, but then you did, but then not, rinse and repeat -- go edit your posts now, before I can bother to find and repost them here now).

If you're not guilty of anything and have nothing to hide, why not post your email publicly, and have Jim validate it? Why not require ALL members to use their email as their usernames? Oh, but you (sensibly) advised against that. Except now, as it pertains to mods, or potential mods. It's not like they'd likely be targeted by actual trolls or anything, even though they've specifically said they would do just that. Come to think on it, you posted you'd do the same ;) (I have an excellent memory.)

It's easy to see who the hypocrite is, but if it makes you feel better to call me one, after you've just proven yourself to be one, as a defense mechanism, hey, whatever blows your hair back, brah.


Here kitty kitty,

You did use a racist term. You denying that the term has racist connotations does in fact make you now racist.

Had you played a "I didn't know but now I do" card you could have gotten out of it but this whole etymology going to fucking figs is far flung.

Nigger comes from the German word. do we just all allow nigger to be used instead of black now?

What about faggots, faggots were bundles of sticks used for fire, soup stock and other basic levels of survival. Are faggots fair play for use because that's what that term originally meant?

How about gay. Gay meant happy, is still does of course but generally it is presumed to mean homosexual between men.

Ass, a term for a working mule. Derived from a horse and a donkey. Now it means either someone's rear end or someone who is a buffoon.

So why don't you get your black, bundle of sticks mule and go make gay having fun screenshotting and reporting all that shit which proves you are now a fucking racist because you are not big enough to admit you were ignorant and wrong to use the term spade so candidly.

As for moderators, I tried talking about what should and shouldn't be allowed and you and your cronies (Dare I say socks) all tried to drown me out with your "It's not the first amendment" chants.

Well sweetcheeks, "It ain't the first amendment" and if people want to moderate here then they better live by Jim's rules and so far he HASN'T FUCKING SET ANY and so fuck off with your bullshit back to whatever tree stump in the rural town you are from and resume your position as village idiot.


"You did use a racist term. You denying that the term has racist connotations does in fact make you now racist."

Hilarious. And if instead of using the idiom "I call a spade a spade" I'd said "And now I'm going to go dig in my garden with my spade" I'm sure you'd say the same, although neither have any sort of racial origins or intentions whatsoever. Because, your agenda, and slightly-subtle trolling. You yourself even posted you didn't think I was a racist of any stripe (but then you did, and then you didn't when called on it by another poster, and now you do again). This is very weak and transparent. As predicted, you dodged.

Ah, as I read on I now see you've devolved from being civil (somewhat anyway) to not at all. Have fun, but if you think others can't and don't see what you're doing, and why, you're very wrong. This is my last response.


How can I being unfucking civil when there are no fucking rules and you, instead of being an adult and saying "Oh, I didn't realise the spade could denote a racist insult, now I do though" insist that you aren't a racist because the term wasn't racist when you used it but refuse to accept that it is now considered racist to those who know better these days.

All I want Catbookss, the only thing I want here, is to stop you and your cronies getting into a position which you are already abusing by trying your concern trolling and faux outrages at things which any competent and reasonable person would understand - we need rules before we need gens d'armes to enforce them.

You see power, I see prey. Stick to your guns and don't bother responding as you truly have nothing to bring to the table but lies and deflections.

Thanks for reading!


"[–] Wilson (505) a minute ago
How can I being unfucking civil when there are no fucking rules and you, instead of being an adult and saying "Oh, I didn't realise the spade could denote a racist insult, now I do though" insist that you aren't a racist because the term wasn't racist when you used it but refuse to accept that it is now considered racist to those who know better these days.

All I want Catbookss, the only thing I want here, is to stop you and your cronies getting into a position which you are already abusing by trying your concern trolling and faux outrages at things which any competent and reasonable person would understand - we need rules before we need gens d'armes to enforce them.

You see power, I see prey. Stick to your guns and don't bother responding as you truly have nothing to bring to the table but lies and deflections."


You're a proper riot, you are.

Screencapped too, BTW, even though Jim can see your hissy fit, even if you delete it. As I said to you earlier, the truth will out, and you've finally revealed yourself amply enough.

I know it's difficult for you to fathom, but I can respond to you civilly, rules or not. It's not difficult.

WTH do you mean by "Oh, I didn't realise THE spade could denote a racist insult"? More dodging. Did you really imagine I didn't know the word spade *could* mean a racial slur, because I sarcastically said "Who knew?" Of course you did -- at least I hope you're bright enough to have realised that. Did you also imagine I, and others who are reading, wouldn't see through your dodging? For someone who claims to want transparency ...

I also hoped you were bright enough to realise using the olde expression "a spade is a spade" has NO racial etymology, despite your claiming it does, and not having the grace or honesty to admit it when you were clearly proven wrong. Any more than using the word spade to mean a shovel does. But then, a troll's MO is to never admit being wrong, and that an offense (no matter how weak) is better than a defense.

I have no cronies. I could just as easily accuse you of having cronies, and believe me, most here realise you are NOT in good company, even though most remain silent. You already realise you're viewed as or at the very least suspected of being a troll, or you wouldn't have asked another (known, and trusted) poster on another thread to start a new one instead of you doing it, because you know many here would suspect you of having an agenda. Curiously, I've never had any reason to say such a thing. I wonder why that is ;)

"You see power, I see prey. Stick to your guns and don't bother responding as you truly have nothing to bring to the table but lies and deflections."

Lies and deflection. Project much, do you? Yes, I realise you see prey; prey is what you're interested in, and power. "Don't bother responding," in other words, LOL, you don't want someone with intelligence busting you. I can at least do it civilly and honestly. Obviously you can't. I leave it to those reading this thread to decide who's credible and who isn't.


Hey troll, I thought you might be genuine when you said this "This is my last response.".

I didn't bother reading your stuff here as I know it's more of the same entitled little princess bullshit that I am here to demolish and so when you are ready to back up anything you say with facts instead of claims let me know.





More dodging and deflection. Who's surprised? Let me know when you're willing to talk straight and honestly, and back up what you say with facts. I won't hold my breath.


"most here realise you are NOT in good company, even though most remain silent"

Sure thing my paranoid princess.

You keep sticking to your fantasies that you have some sort of charm here which has people on your side and that those not speaking out about me are somehow against me and not secretly in support of a transparent and accountable moderation team.

Keep that backing up with you say with facts thing that you stole from me just as soon as you are ready to back up what you say with facts.



I think its a troll. Best be ignoring such users when the feature comes. Plenty of people will come and discuss instead of trying to curb users from coming here through their tactics. I have a feeling such people work for other sites and are deliberately sabotaging this place with lots of potential


This is clearly the best site out there for discussing movies and television. Whether they wish to sabotage it or try to claim some power from within the framework Jim's set up I just don't trust them.

People who are trustworthy speak straight and don't need to be using any "If you look hard enough" paranoid delusions to paint their wagons.


Oh yes they are showing symptoms of paranoid delusions and schizophrenia. Sad. Ignore them


"Ignore them" as soon as that feature becomes available I indeed to make sure it is used.


Yes. I am sure they will keep on stalking our posts. That is why we need FB like ignore so that they cannot see our posts anymore.


"This is clearly the best site out there for discussing movies and television. Whether they wish to sabotage it or try to claim some power from within the framework Jim's set up I just don't trust them.

People who are trustworthy speak straight and don't need to be using any "If you look hard enough" paranoid delusions to paint their wagons."

Again, hilarious!

While I certainly agree this is the best site for discussing movies and film, why aren't you doing that? WHY are you instead trying to sabotage it, and aligning yourself with well-known former IMDB trolls and more recently IMDB2 trolls? I can't imagine what the answer to that might be.

Why do you continue to deflect and not answer my honest questions honestly, just as I predicted you'd do? Those are the actions of someone who's trustworthy and speaks straight, aren't they? ;)

If it's not already apparent to you, I'm no longer responding to your posts for you, only for others who are either new to MC and haven't yet twigged the kind of person you are (which will be readily apparent as soon as they read much of your posting history), or for those who have been around, but are good if someone naive people who only occasionally read this board and your posts.

I'm not afraid of the truth. I'm not afraid of Jim having my registration info, or mods he'd select, or of having mods at all. Why are YOU afraid of all of these things? After all, if you have nothing to hide … ;)


"and aligning yourself with well-known former IMDB trolls and more recently IMDB2 trolls?"

You are the troll here trying to become a moderator, not me. I am here for discussions.


I think I'm going to have to be the bigger person here.

JIM! If you are reading I'm not sure what the deal is here but either I'm the troll or I'm feeding a troll.

Either way - this thread is plenty of proof that neither me nor Catbookss should be moderators here.

I either enable a troll or they do - none of us are fit to moderate if we are so infantile in our general discussions.


Catbookss will be a moderator? Holy shit i am outta here. We don't need such people even visiting this site!


I think I've shown (With proof) that neither of us should be moderators here.

We're both far too fragile and empowering of trolls or being trolls ourselves - I'm open to being either personally. I don't know how it all works.


Unfortunately this user is not the only person who is not fit to be a moderator

There are others too who should not be given power to abuse


Many, I've been trying to warn people to be careful before giving up their freedoms to unknowns but only the unknowns have attacked me with their faux outrage and if anything Jim should look to another place altogether for his moderation team and those already here aren't fit to serve in my opinion.


We have already seen what happens to even good users when they are given power. There was this religion board regular named AJ_June who seemed to be a good normal person but now he is being ultra authoritarian on imdb2 boards.

Most of the internet forums get ruined by such moderators. They control everything! They even start enforcing what types of topics should be discussed and what are banned. Feels like sharia law !


The misunderstanding of Sharia law aside being able to 'moderate' comes from the word "Moderate".

Not many people are moderate and many are more likely extremists around here.


well said.


It has nothing to do with my alleged "charm," only facts, and your posting history. You continue to think you're nowhere near as transparent as you are, and that even if you delete your incriminating posts, they haven't been recorded.

Keep backing yourself into a corner. The facts about you and what you've said are already known ;). Don't stand by them, are scurrying to delete them? Too late.


You know what normal people do with trolls? They ignore them
and move on

But people like you

Stalking a user, taking screencaps, accusing every other of being a troll.

lol Seriously. This is not a police state.


You know what normal people do if they are trolls? Oh wait, normal people aren't trolls, because they're not sociopaths and have better things to do with their lives.

"But people like you," as you say …

No point to responding to you except for those few who are too naive to realize what's really going on here. Otherwise I'd just ignore you, as I've done many times before.


Seriously i don't even bother reading your posts and will ignore you. But i don't want someone like you moderating this imdb replacement, because you will effectively drive users away from this place.


There is nothing you have on me because I have done nothing wrong.

Not only because there are no rules for me to break as yet but also because I have done nothing wrong.

Your only beef with me is you knowing I'll stop you from being a moderator here because you are a bent cunt.


" Your only beef with me is you knowing I'll stop you from being a moderator here because you are a bent cunt. "

exactly. we dont want such moderators. heck, we want such people to back to reddit and other places where they belong. Even reddit wouldn't hire such people as moderators


Nothing wrong, nothing wrong. Thou protests too much ;)

You think you can hide behind there currently being no posted rules to break? As though your earlier and current posts give no insight to you? Think again.

As I've said at least twice now, being unfailingly civil has its perks. I don't need to call you any names without getting my point across. A pity you're incapably of doing the same, brah. It really doesn't take much brainpower.


Unfailingly civil? You? This is what you just said :

'A pity you're incapably of doing the same, brah. It really doesn't take much brainpower.'

You are an arrogant person.


"As though your earlier and current posts give no insight to you? Think again."

Why are you stalking past and future posts of a random user here? Do you think you will be able to stalk hopefully thousands of users who will post here in the near future?


"You think you can hide behind there currently being no posted rules to break?"

You are threatening users here for no reason whatsoever. Please go back to where you came from. You don't own this joint.


More dancing about and saying nothing.

You really are a simpleton when it comes to discourse aren't you?

A whole alphabet at your command and yet you manage to waste characters into saying nothing.

Yes, very civil. Civil war civil.


"More dancing about and saying nothing."

Couldn't have said it better myself, thanks. Dodge and weave, avoid, deflect. Rinse and repeat. The usual. If you think people aren't here aren't noticing these are your tactics, you're dead wrong.


Only you can see and hear these "People" you keep referring to.

All anyone else is seeing if you being bested ad infinitum whilst you have your hands behind your head and your tiny pecker out pissing into the gale force wind coming in from the North.

It's funny, but only because you think you could even moderate alphabet soup.


"Only you can see and hear these "People" you keep referring to."

We'll see, won't we?

BTW, not that you're interested in facts, but please point out anywhere where I said I was at all interested in moderating. What's that, you can't? Shocking.

I don't even find it necessary to talk about the size (or lack thereof) of your pecker to get my point across. I know, amazing, isn't it?


You will not be a moderator. However, you will try to influence moderators here i am sure, through your 1000 socks Betty, like you used to report me 1000 times a day daily on imdb. get a life, or kill yourself.


Doesn't matter Catbookss, your plan to get onto the top table has come a cropper.


Its using Apis and other socks to try and become a moderator and destroy this site.


If Apis is a sock then he's the good guy sock who is hoping for the others to make him appear better.

I'd hope they aren't and that Apis is just a regular member who happens to have fallen in with the dumb crowd.


Apis is definitely stalking and behaving like Daphne Reeves/Betty.

Betty is well known for stalking, doxxing, cyberbullying, harassing, etc

And here's the best part: It loves taking screenshots


" If you think people aren't here aren't noticing these are your tactics, you're dead wrong. "

What the hell are you even talking about? Nobody cares. This is a movies site not your paranoid delusional playground of your inner mind


Of course you didn't read it. Well, actually I'm certain you did. You simply have no answers to direct and honest questions. Dodge and weave, dodge and weave.

You're here to demolish anyone? LOL, good luck with that, hon.


Why are you trying to control this site? Go back to being an admin on imdb2.


Is it sugar that keeps you going?

It certainly isn't being right so I'm guessing mommy and daddy really made sure the good cereal was in and the blockbuster videos were waiting so they could go on date night every night and get away from you.




Luck? Where I'm going I don't need luck...


Of that I'm certain.

Devolving into insults are you now? Excuse me while I'm singularly unsurprised. And yet, I can respond to you without doing the same. Go figure, will you? I know, it's tough.


I am absolutely certain that people will read "Go figure, will you? I know, it's tough." and see that you are unfit for moderation duties.

All people have to do is imagine you talking to them for some perceived infarction you have with them and this attitude to follow up.

You dolt!


Admin of IMDb2 proboards pretty much uses the same kind of language. i know exactly who this person is.


It's clear they are here to troll.

No answers, always trying to flip it into me dodging when they supply nothing at all.

Bad aggressive behaviour.

Retarded musings.

job done to my mind.


Yeah it will keep on attacking you while saying it is not attacking you. Not fooling anyone.


And yet, I've never accused YOU of dodging, only Wilson. Just as I didn't reply to you, BenCaesar, rather to "Ben," yet you responded that I'd responded to you. Case closed, socks revealed.

That goes for usernames God (which you've already revealed as being one of your socks on other threads), and now, Wilson as well.

You're only revealing yourself to more and more people. The angrier you get, the more you reveal yourself with your verbiage.

Either Jim will decide to ban your accounts for obvious trolling, or not. Either he'll decide to take things back into his control of "common sense" so this site can become the excellent site it once was, or he won't, and you'll be able to thrive. Except, many will leave, and you'll have few as an audience, which won't feed you.

Do what you will. If Jim continues to allow you and your friends and your many socks, I'll find somewhere else to go, as will others. This will mean a loss in your audience, and that WC will take a big hit and not become the site it was well on its way of becoming. Yeah, I know, you don't care either way. I'm getting to the point where I don't either. Who needs this kind of sh!te? YOU do, I know, but most people don't.


I'm not sure who you are replying to now Catbookss, I think you have finally gone over the edge.

Jim will see that the accounts you are referring to are not one-in-the-same and that I am my own person with my own opinions, agency and ability to talk to people who are reasonable.

You are not and that is why I've made sure Jim knows that both you and I are unfit to moderate here. I am sorry that your little dream of being a somebody came to a cropper but perhaps if you had manners and a pleasant disposition you'd find you don't need to be hungry for power and to let people who are better suited be the moderators of this shared area.

Good day to you.


Even though posts are clearly nested, you still don't know to whom I'm responding? That's something of a feat.

So if you feel I'm not reasonable, and you also feel you're unfit to moderate here, it's clear you think you yourself aren't reasonable. (Logic, it's a thing.)

Not that I think Jim will pay the slightest attention to your opinion, but I don't care if I'm a moderator here, and have never said otherwise, although you want people to think I have. Anyone's more than welcome to not only look over Jim's thread asking for mod volunteers, and will not find a single post from me saying I wanted to, or on any other thread. Oh snap!


"Not that I think Jim will pay the slightest attention to your opinion"

Jim doesn't care about concern trolls like you either. Now try cajoling Jim using your other socks. I know all of your socks, even the ones where you are pretending to be on my side.


I have been successful in blocking your attempts at becoming a moderator.

Now if I would only block you from my view I would feel I have achieved full success.


Yeah this sock of that person is useless now. Now i will try not responding to you again so that you keep your inner peace in tact. Sorry and enjoy dude. Ignore such trolls.


It is all cream cheese and toast at my end.

It is their other socks and friends we need to keep an eye on now.


Yes ban everyone you hate you loser fawk off troll i am sure you won't be a moderator


Site needs new users not you who tries to control every content


I'm amused at how many times you, in this carnation and your others, feel compelled to respond to my posts. Almost every notification I receive is from you, and I delete 99% of them, unread.

Why u so mad?


Where's the ignore button? I will ignore you as soon as possible, and all your socks, on all of imdb offshoot sites. Frankly, you are a fucking nobody and idgaf about you to be honest.


and stay the fuck in imdb2. you aint fooling no one. more people will come here. no one wants to be on your crappy site.


" And yet, I've never accused YOU of dodging, only Wilson. Just as I didn't reply to you, BenCaesar, rather to "Ben," yet you responded that I'd responded to you. Case closed, socks revealed."

You are retarded


"And yet, I can respond to you without doing the same."

You are continually trying to insult others by thinking that people can't read this

"Go figure, will you? I know, it's tough. "

Nearly everyone can see what kind of a person behaves this way. You are better off ignored. Please stop wasting our time.


" Screencapped too, BTW, even though Jim can see your hissy fit, even if you delete it. As I said to you earlier, the truth will out, and you've finally revealed yourself amply enough."

This user likes screencapping lol. Reminds me of an old IMDb troll


"I also hoped you were bright enough to realise using the olde expression "a spade is a spade" has NO racial etymology, despite your claiming it does, and not having the grace or honesty to admit it when you were clearly proven wrong. Any more than using the word spade to mean a shovel does. But then, a troll's MO is to never admit being wrong, and that an offense (no matter how weak) is better than a defense."

Stop being a racist.


" All I want Catbookss, the only thing I want here, is to stop you and your cronies getting into a position which you are already abusing by trying your concern trolling and faux outrages at things which any competent and reasonable person would understand - we need rules before we need gens d'armes to enforce them."



So wheelie and Wilson. I was getting confused. Your guys names were similar. But yeah I'll answer any questions. As I said I worry about it to now that it's time. Its really important we get the best people and I don't want this place driving people away. So if members wants to know more about me I'll share.


I think that is a fine attitude to being to the job Strannger and a great example for others to follow.

I expect, of course, for there to be disagreement within how certain areas or people are moderated but with a fine team willing to discuss what they can openly from their moderator only sub-forums section I feel that the community will benefit from a sober and determined attitude.

Thank you for your clarity and vision, you certainly have my interest at this point.


Oh thank you


Wise of you. That's only sensible.


One of your cronies?


People seem to be taking this all very very seriously.


The internet is serious business.


Because well known trolls from IMDb are kissing Jim's ass so they can moderate this good site, and turn it into a fiasco like IMDb2 Proboard
