MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Does anyone here like trolls?

Does anyone here like trolls?

I've only started posting online because we need content to bring in replies but I used to be a reader, a lurker and that sat fine with me.

A decent part of my enjoyment of IMDB was the trolling. Someone would say something and others would react to it. Sometimes the initial person was asking a serious question and the replies got taken out of context and found a life of their own and other times the initial person was trolling but the replies were all serious and gave a new angle on what was originally being asked.

I've gotten through many a night feasting on the entertainment that was people having a back and forth for no other reason that for something to do.

Obviously the main attraction here is films, TV and those who act in them but does anyone else appreciate a decently played hand of trolling?


"Someone would say something and others would react to it. Sometimes the initial person was asking a serious question and the replies got taken out of context and found a life of their own"

A conversation, banter, or debate, yes.

"I've gotten through many a night feasting on the entertainment that was people having a back and forth for no other reason that for something to do"

If I'm in serious need of sleep but have insomnia, and have nothing to contribute, yes, I have too. I also usually learn something, or not, depending on the subject.

"a decently played hand of trolling?"

NO. Someone always gets hurt.




Trolls are great. I love words, I love writing, that's why message boards are my thing. And the humor of clever trolls is better than any comedian's joke for me. But sometimes it's not about trolling, it's about straight shitposting a board into useless oblivion and that crap sucks. And in the end, that's kind of what happened to the entire IMDb. I really understood why they just flushed it. But a little troll posting is the seasoning that turns the broth into soup.


Any user you hate is a troll
