MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Many threads and posts missing - will th...

Many threads and posts missing - will they all be added?

I noticed that many threads and posts are missing from the old board. Will they all be added in time or will some of them stay missing?


Jim just recently started work on importing more archives, which should be up within the next few days.


Someone archived as many of the threads as they could Yushu , and it's out there in a bit torrent I believe. It's my understanding that it isn't complete, and that this is where Jim is getting the remainder of the files that he wasn't able to grab initially. One Movie Avenue also got the same files.

But in short, no, they didn't all get saved.


I read they did all get saved and that is what Jim is working on. I could be wrong, I guess.


In this case Guitar King, I'd love to be wrong. But it's my understanding that IMDB Archive and One Movie Avenue, uploaded the same file to their site, and it's not complete. Still, there's a lot there, and I'm certainly not complaining.

As a test, you can head over to one of the above mentioned sites and search for a thread of some obscure show, say such as one of my all time favourites, The Campbells 1986. It seems to be such shows that didn't make the archive.


This is what the site owner, Jim had to say recently...

[–] jim 2 days ago
It's going to be an all-at-once thing, so one second you won't see any new archived posts and the next second there will be millions of new archived posts.

I've been working on it all weekend but unfortunately it's taking a bit longer than I expected, particularly the merging part. I'm going to keep hacking away at it, but realistically I think it might take a few more days. Hope you guys can wait!

It's going to be a major update for us, included with a few new things that I haven't mentioned yet. Also, incase anyone's wondering, I haven't forgotten about the moderator applications - I will get to that once this update is finished.

Back to work now...
