MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Some black dude got upset with me at the...

Some black dude got upset with me at the library.

I was at the computers and I was printing something out and I was thinking out loud muttering what I was about to do. Then some black dude next to me was like, "You gotta make them sounds man?" in a gravely voice. I just muttered "Sorry" really fast then finished printing my papers,... but it was still awkward and embarrassing, and I'm thinking about it.


And you're telling us this because.....?? And you told us it was a black dude because.....??

Perhaps you should buy a computer, dude.


Meh, the OP is trolling.


Yeah I know, but I just couldn't resist.


Cool. As long as you know. There are always a number of people who don't realize what's going on and nosh on the troll bait ;)


Yeah, and that brings their stupid post back up to the top. Sorry. My bad.


Right. I'm done now too.


You know it really is sad that white people bamboozled black people so much throughout history that you can't even acknowledge someone is black without people think you're trying to be condescending.


I think he did a pretty good job of trolling, he suckered all of us right in the conversation, on the other hand, maybe it did happen, and if it did, it was very far from interesting,


A troll like you would know
