

It might have to do with the market that "men's health and fitness" mags are aimed at.
Women's fashion/lifestyle mags are aimed at women, so they are trying to become more inclusive to boost sales. The magazines are not usually purchased by men so they don't care as much if men don't like plus size cover girls.
The plus size covers are still a small %, you could say "tokenism", and even the plus size models are still photoshopped to death.
Everything is about money- don't ever doubt it.
The sports illustrated swimsuit issue , and Maxim, playboy, etc, are aimed at straight men.




Yes, and catalog work for big & tall clothing


Yet another double standard in today's politically correct world. Obese women expect men to find them attractive yet obese men are more self-aware. Bigger women get mad when men reject them yet even they want slimmer men.


The double standard has always been very well in affect.

Homely, and obese, men have long been silently portrayed as leading men with far more attractive (and slim) women as their romantic leads. When, more recently, the opposite has been portrayed, you object. Most often, if it's the woman who's less attractive or obese (or older, for that matter), it's commonly a plot point. Not so if it's the reverse.

I have no objection to plus size male models, not at all. Not that I think obesity should be encouraged for either gender because of the health risks, but to show men solely as six-packed, slender and/or buff really isn't any better than continuing to show women models as rail thin.


I would never make fun of an obese man or woman, in fact I like women on the curvier side as long as they have some semblance of a waist but we need to stop presenting people in the media with an unhealthy condition as only needing self-love. Chrissy Metz, Melissa McCarthy, Gabourey Sidibe need to lose weight period before they end up like John Candy, Chris Farley, John Belushi, Chris Penn... overweight men who died way before their time because of bad lifestyle choices.
