MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > We need moderators

We need moderators

For the last couple of days I've been noticing the rise in troll activity.

Without moderators we are pretty much defenseless against this infestation, especially when Jim is not around. Trolls basically have an open hunting ground in here. So far they have been just annoying, like mosquitoes, but now I see they started attacking regular users and this is getting pretty bad.

They contribute nothing, and I'm afraid they will chase away potential new users of this site. Can we do something about it, please?


The only problem now is, who do we trust to moderate? Like us, Jim is just the creator of this site and he has to pick trustworthy people to help moderate. I wish this could have been done a week or so ago. Now with some many usernames and people using multiple usernames from the same email address (yeah, just found that out); it is going to be tough.


There aren't so many trolls around yet, but a couple of them who are have many socks (you and me both were on the receiving end of it).

We don't need a lot moderators for now, just one or two to delete the socks when they appear. A notorious troll has made this site his home, and he is NOT giving up any time soon, I can tell you that.

What made me worried though is that I noticed someone with a nic of a known troll (they usually keep part of the name so that they can be recognized) just posted something silly on some movie board. If this is the same person that has recently been banned from TMDB, we have a bigger problem than we think.


It is even scarier that they can use one email address for those socks. I do not think one could do that on IMDb. Jim really needs to fix that, if there is a way to fix it.


Removing duplicates from his database shouldn't be an issue.


I am sure you don't want trolls like OP to tell jim what to do


Not sure about the moderators, but yes, I agree, it's gotten pretty bad around here as of late. I think that the best thing right now is to implement the Block/ignore user feature, and I'm hoping that's next on Jim's list of priorities.


Block would be fine for regular users, but there are many lurkers who don't have a block option... they are exposed to troll posts. I really don't want trolls to chase normal people away.




A brief recapitulation of known socks so far for future reference:

Gameboy started a thread This is IMDb2 admin while Tyler Durden started the same thread on TMDB. This is IMDb2 admin .

Other Gameboy's socks:
Tyler Durden (see above)
Betty (there was a poster called Betty on IMDb's Soapbox and apparently he became obsessed with her (info gathered on IMDb2),
Pinky (there is also a nic OriginalPinky on IMDb2, I'm not sure if this is the same guy, but he's definitely Gameboy's sock)

Then there is a guy called BenCeasar (possibly has a sock God) who people accuse of posting dirty pictures over there on IMDb2. Has been banned from there. He hasn't been exactly trolling around here, but I'm keeping an eye on him.

This is what I have so far.


There are your socks. Stop promoting yourself


Tyler Dryden is copying off another user from imdb styler durden who posted slot on message boards



Anyway, the main point is: trolls and their socks completely ruined the flow of conversation on General Discussion board today. If we don't do something soon, they will ruin the whole site.


Moderators is a double edged sword though. I hate trolls as much as anybody else but a message board can be ruined by too much of it. Case in point, the Superhero hype message boards are so over Moderated they are a pain in the ass because any topic or post you make is thrown into some cluttered thread.


Anarchy is not the answer either. We need at least some middle ground solution.

Today some of us saw what happens when trolls discover that there are no moderators around. They should at least have some healthy amount of fear from mods, otherwise what's to stop them?


Fear is no way to lead.



Well, I notice that those same trolls who come here behave more polite on other sites that do have moderators. Something to think about.


There is no way to know that they are the same trolls.




Moderators are a double edged sword... the good part is that they keep trolls at bay... the bad part is the type of person that usually wants to be a moderator tends to want to impose their personal world view upon other posters and the site...

Block function is the most important priority right now... there isn't enough traffic to warrant more than a very light level of moderation.


But the problem is that this site is the only offshoot of IMDb without moderators. Naturally, that attracts trolls, especially those banned from other moderated sites. They breed in the environment like this. It would be a smart idea to put an end to this situation as soon as possible.


You will be the first one to get banned troll, with your 100 socks


I'm happy with a moderator as long as they are able to discern the difference between a troll and someone with a differing opinion. I'd be on PreviouslyTV more if their moderators didn't make you feel like you're attending a church


I agree 100%, I also don't want overmoderation. But some basic rules must exist.


Hmm? I also post over at Previously TV and hadn't really noticed it being too oppressive. I've seen people swearing over there and the mods don't seem to care about that. One thing that I have noticed that they are uptight about is that they don't seem to like it when people start new threads. I guess they want to try and keep everything as consolidated into as few threads as possible.


It is oppressive and we don't need moderationg, especially from self-admitted trolls who aspire to become moderators so that they can troll ban people


I absolutely don't want to be a moderator, if that is your concern, Gameboy.

I'm quite enjoying the meltdown you're having, btw.


[–] Apis 16 days ago

You just reminded me that I once gave a 10 to My little pony movie, as part of a troll-ish but innocent movement on IMDb "let's bring My little Pony into top 250". That was some years ago. :)

I only remembered it when I was saving my ratings from IMDb, and it was there among other movies I rated.

It was My Little Pony: The Princess Promenade (2006). I don't see that movie listed here, the site owner probably didn't have enough time to save everything.


admits to trolling.


This is really fun. You think that giving a movie you haven't seen a 10 quite some years ago is the same as what you're doing? Many people give movies a rating for no valid reason.


Your post history shows your weird obsession with trolls. You have admitted to trolling on imdb boards. I am sure you have many socks here. I am sure only a troll like you would be obsessed with trolls. We can see it through your posting history. God knows how much trolling you have actually done.


It's a fine community and all... they are very good about keeping things like spoilers under control and stopping trolls but I feel like if you don't think the same way the majority of them do they aren't very tolerant. It feels like visiting someone's parents house if that makes any sense.


That's the same problem with imb2 but the moderators and admins are friends with trolls and enable them


Well, admittedly SM, I've only posted over there in the Alaskan Bush People forum, and once in the little house on the prairie forum, but so far it's been okay.

But I agree that we definitely need to do something here pretty soon, and to me, the best immediate solution is the block feature.


Yeah I'm not a coder so I don't know how difficult it is to implement but it seems like a pretty basic function on most boards. Hope he gets to it soon.


One thing to remember, don't feed the trolls. It should be common sense by now, but some people always respond to them, which is exactly what they want.



I want to be a moderator


You can't, but you can be added to the sock list.

Apparently, the only time we'll have peace and quiet here is when you're asleep.


You want to be a moderator, and no one else should be a moderator? Am i getting it right? Moron
