MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are you on any other replacement boards ...

Are you on any other replacement boards that are active?

If so which ones?


I'm a member of square-enix ,gamefaqs,and tmdb boards


I had joined The TMDB a few days after finding out that IMDb was shutting down. I wasn't crazy about the format and many of the people there seemed to resent us refugees coming there. I heard of MovieChat just a couple of days before the shut down. I'm glad I did! It was so easy to join and the format is familiar here.
For me, this is the best site. Each improvement makes it better with each passing day.


What attracted me to IMDb was the fact that it had an entire forum dedicated to any individual movie, actor, director, etc. I need to reemphasize ANY since there are several film message boards on the internet, yet only one, IMDb, which always yields the search results I'm looking for after entering any movie, actor or director in the search box. I personally don't know of any film buffs so I used to frequent IMDb's message boards to discuss my favorite films, actors, theories, plot holes and clarifications with other individuals who shared the same interests as I do--and the feedback was invaluable especially with regard to foreign, obscure and art house films which hardly got any ink from mainstream writers and one would be hard pressed to find an active discussion involving such films anywhere else on the internet. MovieChat, which has patterned itself after the now defunct IMDb message boards, is in my opinion, the next best thing since it resembles IMDb better than any other film forum message board.


My thoughts exactly! I watched a film from 1949 last night. I was confused about the ending, so I came on here and got to read old IMDb threads to see how other people had interpreted it over the years.

No other site had that archive of thought on specific, obscure movies. On IMDb, you could actually learn something and get new insights. Now MovieChat has inherited the boards, so this will be my home for cinema discussion.

We just need to post and make it grow!


Jim needs to add imdb archives completely


I'm also on themoviedb but there is less activity than here so I think I'll be staying here in the long run, just hope the movie and tv show forums get some more people on them.


Nope, I'm not. There's no need to be. This is the next best thing to IMDb. And in time, with Jim's level of dedication, it may just grow bigger than IMDb. 🙌🙌🙌🙌


The first one that develops a working App for phones and tablets (like IMDB did) will be the one I use the most.


Although many users still use desktops and laptops, i believe that Jim is capable of developing such an app


Reported for promoting another site
