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Best movies/shows to watch when feeling sad?

Whenever I'm feeling down I want to watch something uplifting, motivational, and happy. I'm sure there are many others out there who feel the same. I'll start:

1. How I Met Your Mother - Barney's antics never fail to cheer me up
2. Any old Adam Sandler movie - the guy might have gone B-list now, but back then he was a comedic genius and never failed to make me laugh
3. Ferris Bueller's Day Off - takes me back to my childhood when things were carefree, no responsibilities, and you could do whatever you want


Couldn't agree more with HIMYM. I'd also add the Breakfast Club for the same reasons you listed Ferris Bueller.


I too agree with HIMYM. Eastbound & down and Vice Principals always cheer me up. As do most movies with Danny Mcbride. Peep Show is one also, it's just laugh out loud funny. Also watching Peep Show makes me realize that other people fuck up too, so I'm not alone.


Peep Show is classic schadenfreude - making yourself feel better about yourself by seeing how terrible other people are.


I usually use music for my moods, but Eastbound and Down is a riot. I will have to remember this when I need a good laugh.


Friends always works great for me, the first 5 seasons in particular. Any Drew Barrymore movies, mainly those early-mid 90s ones plus The Wedding Singer and 50 First Dates.. She has a really endearing quality both on and off-screen that is always comforting.


Entourage. Watch it and live vicariously through Vinny Chase.

Disclaimer: I'm a guy. The show might have an opposite effect on girls.


Nope, works for girls too. Just imagine your one of the girls Vinny Chase is dating.


The Karate Kid was really uplifting to me. So much fun, and actually pretty motivating.


Seinfeld bloopers......Kramer stuffing a pretzel in his mouth, see link, is in my opinion the funniest most gut busting 1 minute and 3 seconds in comic history


Hahaha that's hilarious


I usually watch comedies, or stand up, or a comfort movie, one that I'm very familiar with and just love/feel at home with. Oddly enough, I can't really think of a specific example right now, haha...I always tend to freeze up when these sorts of things are asked because my mind short circuits when shuffling through the catalog of all my faves or things I've watched :P


Ahh yes, I also use stand-up. Finding the right comic to cheer you up is like snuggling a marshmallow.


Watching stand up is actually a big stress reliever for me. Stephen Colbert once said (at least I think it's original to him, anyone is free to correct me), "You can't be afraid if you're laughing," or something along those lines. Ever since hearing that I took it to heart and have tested it out many times and it's mostly true, I think.

So anytime I'm feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or whatever, I tend to find a stand up special and put it on because it's just a nice shot in the arm to feel better...and if they're really good, also shed some wisdom about life sprinkled in there. So you're kinda getting both something light and substantial at the same time!


I am sincerely digging what you're saying. :)


Aw, cool! I've become quite a comedy nerd (as if I needed another thing, lol) over the years and have really loved immersing myself in it. Nice to see someone else likes it too!


I was having a bad day at work once and my friend put on a stand-up comic on his phone and let me sit there and watch it. It worked so well that I started doing it. I will always appreciate his kind gesture.


Smart friend! Laughter is such a thing of magic.


The IT Crowd is my comfort TV show. As far as movies, I like 70s horror, especially Italian horror, when I need something to distract me. I'll also second the OP on old Adam Sandler movies....I must have watched The Wedding Singer 100 times and it never fails to make me smile.
