MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > TV Shows premeiring in March

....if you live in the US.

Looking at the list, there doesn't seem any that I look forward to seeing.


I want to see Survivor, American Crime and Love. I'm still behind on The Americans so I can't watch that yet.


Oh yes, more Catfish. My guilty pleasure.

Also I'm so pumped for Iron Fist - Rosario Dawson was awesome in Daredevil and I'm so excited to see her in a similar show. Wonder if she's doing these TV roles willingly, or if it's because she can't get any big movie roles anymore?


Nice heads up! There's also a lot of great shows premiering in April too so it should be a pretty good two months of tv :)


I feel like we have been waiting just about forever for "Into The Badland" to come back.

Looking forward to "13 Reasons Why" and "Feud". I might give "Time after Time" a try.


Grace and Frankie there's not another show on tv like it.


Better Call Saul in March 27th I believe


I am most excited for The Americans!

I will also be watching :
“Feud: Bette and Joan”

Better Call Saul starts April 10


I hope you post about “Feud: Bette and Joan”. It definitely sounds interesting.


It's got a great cast and should be super campy and bitchy. Watching Susan Sarandon and Jessica Lange and Kathy Bates chew up the scenery in period costumes: YES PLZ


I was gonna post about The Americans, but saw you already got to it so...I'll add that that's the one I'm most excited for too. Only a few more days!


Sunday evening is the start of several good shows.


It's one of my all time faves. I should binge the last season to refresh my memory on where they left off.
I wonder if we will ever see Martha again. I'd almost like a little follow up on her life in USSR. They followed Nina's story until the end.
Did you happen to watch 'Sneaky Pete'? It's an amazon prime series and I know a lot of peeps here are boycotting amazon. but it's very good and it has both Martha and Claudia from the Americans.
Margo Martindale is just so good in everything.

I am ready for Paige to start growing up. She is my #1 LEAST favorite character with all the whining and hand wringing, so she either needs to die or toughen up.
I was her age in that exact time period of the show, so she just reminds me of the kids I couldn't stand at school.


Paige is to The Americans, as Lori is to The Walking Dead.
in SAT analogy format


I should rewatch it too. I loved Martha and felt terrible for her. I really, REALLY thought she was doomed to die. I'd like a follow up with her too, almost be a kicker if she was one of the ones that helped turn Phil and Liz in, but...I suppose, maybe that time has passed.

I've seen a little bit of 'Sneaky Pete' and enjoyed it, but I might not get to the rest of it for a while. I did perk up a bit when I saw the actor that played Martha, she's so very good just as in Martindale.

I'm ready to be done with Paige, lol, I'm with you in that she's irritating. Looks like Liz is basically recruiting her in the promos, so we'll see how that goes. I guess they figured she better join or die by now. She could be come a badass, but that seems like a long road to go. I've always suspected it's really Henry you have to watch out for.


Henry would be a much better recruit. He loves adrenaline and I think part of you has to like that edgy feeling to be a secret agent. But he has no ideology and Paige is an idealist so maybe they thought they could work that angle with her. If the commies had gotten to Paige before the churchies, they would have had an easier job! She was looking for a thing to believe in, and they waited too long and let someone else fill that need.
They also need some kind of scandal in the church like pastor Tim caught with a hooker. Something to disillusion her. What year was the Jim Bakker scandal...or all the other evangelists who had sex scandals...

googled it- 1986 was Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Bakker
Peter Popoff was 1987
the show is at 1983 or 1984 now right?
still that would be a good storyline, that would fit with the period


I'm saying...I think Henry could be a turncoat against them somehow. He's best friends with Stan, the dude is basically his father because Philip doesn't seem to give a damn about anything in Henry's life! They are so focused on Paige, and Henry is old enough by now to know there has to be something up with that or just to feel hurt by it a little.

I could see him, inadvertently, becoming a spy for Stan or something like that. I know it may seem farfetched, but he's such an underdeveloped character and on a show so good and thought out I find it hard to believe he won't come into play somehow. And Paige could end up looking like a red herring of sorts. She's the obvious one to recruit and all that, but what about this kid no one ever really paid attention to?


Stan would have to suspect them before he'd try to recruit Henry, but Henry might also just spill something accidentally that would FINALLY make some connections in Stan's head.


Very true! In fact, I could totally see that being what tips Stan off to Liz and Philip. What a moment that would be...and how crappy would Henry feel?! That almost writes itself really.
