MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Mini Moderators?

Mini Moderators?

Hey, so I just thought of an idea that could help limit troll posts, but not sure how well it would work in practice. Anyway, what if we could delete replies on threads that we post? I.e. If someone posted something disrespectful here, I would be able to delete or hide it. Granted, that could end up being abused, but it might help a little, maybe.


According to Jim Smith, the great and hard working founder of this fine site, a group of moderators is already in the cards and will likely be added in the near future.


Perhaps in future as this board sets off, we could do a poll on who we feel would be a good moderator. First, users will need to volunteer as a candidate, then we could all vote. A moderator would need to be readily available and frequent this board, i.e. not a full-time worker, etc, and be trustworthy. Of course we could have more than one moderator.

Just thinking out loud :) I'm sure all this will fall into place eventually!


That could work.
Or he could make an "application" thread, with basic questions such as why do you want to be a mod, how often are you feee to be online, how active a poster, etc, then choose the best of the ones who post there.


A FAQ, basically, is always pretty essential for sites too. I don't think that's a bad idea.


That would be disastrous
