MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > did you come here for message board free...

did you come here for message board freedom or not?

a demand that "trollish" posts be taken down?

who is to judge? not all anger or disagreement is posted by a troll.

so let jim do it (when he has time)?

ah-ha! there goes your proper freedom!

those colonies had freedom, and they still can't sort it out.


I feel like this should be stickied on top of every message board... (Don't forget the mouseover text)

(mobile link)


LoL...that's funny! 😉


And sooooooooooooooooooooooo true....!


That it is Cookie, that it is!


I belonged to a discussion board where stupid (sounding) people were booted right and left, sometimes after just one post. The rational from the mods was "they are adding nothing to the discussion". Still, it had a thriving community!


"After just one post."

LoL...that pretty bad! They must've been REALLY stupid sounding to get the boot that fast! Boy, I tell you, some people just have no sense What board was it? Do you remember?


It had to do with theological you had to be on topic. It attracted a ton of trolls. If you didn't behave like a guest should, it was ALL OVER : )

In retrospect, you really could express just about whatever you wanted, actually. it just had to be civil. And...not so stupid that you needed active babysitting by the rest of the members to help you watch yourself.


Ah, I see. Trolls are such a problem everywhere. It's good that some forums care about the good people they have rather than make them suffer with trolls. It's just too bad that IMDb couldn't take a lesson from that forum.


Couldn't've said it any better. Thanks, Traveler.


The thing I hated most about IMDb was my account got regularly flagged, sometimes penalized, and I was never trolling, just expressing negative and unpopular opinions, and meanwhile the trolls still slogged out their hate 60 posts an hour and never missed a beat. Anyhow, I like troll posts for the part. They amuse me. But the aggressive clown posting that would go on with some of the boards being backed up 10 pages deep with bullshit was a little infuriating.


I came here just to talk about movies and TV shows. I don't even mind the trolls. Never did. They are easy enough to just ignore and get to real people who want to share opinions.

I don't do Facebook or Twitter. And reddit is a pain in the ass. Imdb was my place to talk about movies and TV shows I liked and learn some information about them.

