MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Not enough people here

Not enough people here

I really like this site but the biggest problem is that few people seem to know about it, same problem for themoviedb and chataboutfilms. On the IMDB forums you could ask a question about an obscure film or show from the 60s, 70s or even earlier and someone would answer the same day but here, even the most popular and recent shows and films are a ghost town in the discussions. There needs to be some advertising to bring in people, I hope it improves over time but the few people here won't stick around long if it stays like this for a long time.


Sucks, because it deserves more! Maybe some advertising on the "IMDb2" board?!


An edit button would be a great start to ensure that people will stay. If only I had got wind of this site earlier than I did, I would have tried to advertise it more on IMDb while the boards still existed. .


Hop on Facebook or whatever and tell people about it. We all have to spread the word, since we're the ones who have found this place so far.


Great idea. I absolutely abhor FB, but that would be the one good reason to be on there...


Agreed. I did try to advertise it on another board just recently. I´ll continue with it.


people love movies. that is the power that drives the thing. i think there is good reason for hope. one of these boards is gonna make it. i'm posting on a couple to do my part. but sadly much will be lost.

i had posts on nice movies that were 20 years old .there was a ton of irreplaceable insight into those movies that is gone FOREVER. Sure threads about citizen kane will eventually be recreated because it's such a huge classic. but what about all the excellent small movies like "the assassination of jesse james..." that was a fantastic board, but it's extinct now and there is no way to get it back. what a freakin shame.


Yup. It sickens me, because of all the obscure films that I find--I always liked going to the message boards to find out more about those kinds of movies, and now it's gone. What a waste. All of that valuable information lost forever---so depressing. 😥

Screw IMDB. ☠️


The reason IMDb got so many users was because if you searched for a movie, that would be one of the first sites that pop up, and then you scroll through the page and discover the boards. That doesn't happen with these more obscure forums. I hate to be a negative nancy, but I don't see there ever being an adequate replacement for the IMDb boards.


OH, I am sure there will be! If not this one, then I am confident some other will. IMDb2 does look pretty good and so active. But I really love this site because of the similar look and style that the original IMDb had.


You have to just give it time. IMDB just shut down less than 48hrs ago. I've seen users post about it on IMDB2 and get accused of spamming but they just post it everywhere. That will just turn others away. Just casually mention it in your replies like "By the way has archived IMDB. I like it." But, keep in mind this is a work in progress and progress takes time.
