MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > OMG, they're gone!

OMG, they're gone!

The boards on IMDB... there's nothing anymore, i just looked...
Wow! I just feel weird, like i just lost a very good friend.


Hey kittensandpuppies!! So Glad to see you made it! Hope James and some of the others come too!


Can't believe this. I went on at 9 PM hoping to get a few last hours in and POOF, it's gone. I am so deeply upset.


I think for a VERY long time I'm going to continue to scroll to the bottom of the page after rating a movie or show as I've done for the past 12 years, forgetting they are gone momentarily.

It's just one of those regular things. Kind of like trying to turn on a light switch if the power goes out. It's basically autopilot.


I'm really sad about it. :(:( I would look at the boards everyday.


I refuse to use IMDb for anything. Between rotton tomatoes and wiki I can find everything I need. I will not give them a single hit. They need to really understand the implications of their decision. If we continue to use them as a reference, we're validating them. They need to see their hits drop to nothing.


It feels like a funeral.


F**k IMDb! It is bad enough they closed the boards. Its bad enough they gave such short notice they were closing. But shutting it down prematurely like this is a middle finger to its users.

I will never use that site again on principle.


At least we haven't lost everything they saved all the discussions here I've just checked out my favorite film from last year. I've been so hooked talking about it but sadly i don't know if the same people well sign up here. Or even know about it
