Breakup Songs

Good breakups bad breakups whatever. Post em.
Listen and post yours.

Sometime Round Midnight

The Airborne Toxic Event

I can't even begin to tell you how much I like this song.


Long time coming by the Tragically Hip makes me think of break ups and heartache. Probably will more so now that the lead singer Gord Downie is gone.


I do absolutely adore the song though... RIP Gord Downie. Still can't believe it.


I'm going with a classic:

Fleetwood Mac - Dreams

I think most of the Rumours album would qualify.

P.S. I've read White Noise, and I still don't understand what the big deal of the Airborne Toxic Event was, so much so that I band would chose it as their name. Good song though.


I love,love, love this album. I have over played it ever since I first heard it when I was young.


It's great, isn't it! Misery is apparently very inspirational lol


I'm not sure either other than It's kind of a cool name. It's different.

What was going on during that album? Were they all getting divorced?
Great album though.

This one is short and to the point

John Wing- I Hope You Die

Farside- I hope You're Unhappy


It is a cool name, but I still don't get the big deal lol.

They were all breaking up with eachother and other people. It was a whole mess. It made for some great music though.

Here's a Bulgarian one:

The jist, since it's all in foreign: He's dreading every second of being with his girlfriend. The chorus goes:
And here it comes, the happiest day
When you'll be far away (from me).

I tried to make it rhyme.


I didn't understand any of it but loved it.
The video was really awesome too.

Johnny Thunders - You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory

Ben Folds Five - Song for the Dumped


The American educational system is failing you by not teaching Bulgarian!

Anyway, I love You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory. The other one is pretty good to.

I'm in a mood tonight it seems

(I'm also lazy, so it's going to be surprise songs tonight)


They have failed me in many more ways than that.

You are in a bit of a mood.
At least you still have good taste. Kicking old school. I like it.
"This has got to be the saddest day of my life".- love it

Hope you like surprises too.

Erykah Badu - Tyrone

Don't Think Twice It's All Right - Bob Dylan

The Killers - Mr. Brightside



Never heard that Erykah Badu song before. I love it. You go girl! lol

And I'd forgotten Eric Roberts was in the Killers video. I like Eric Roberts. I don't like The Killers.

Bob is Bob.

Since it was in the suggested videos:

Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know

Or Goethe, as I call him. Doesn't he sound like Peter Gabriel?


I thought you'd like the Badu song.
Remind me to never get you angry.

How can you not like the Killers? I mean seriously.

I've never seen the video. It's actually pretty good.
Good song. Peter Gabriel? I thought he sounded like Sting.

Hole - Violet


Badu has nothing on Marianne Faithfull though:

I don't dislike that song, but in general I'm not a fan. Sorry!

And I used to not think about Sting a lot, now I begin to dislike him as well. So thanks for that :P

Liked all of yours this time around. I didn't know Sum 41 also has a dark period, like Blink 182 (seriously, these band names...)


I know that song. That woman is cray cray.
I listened to it again. It gave me shivers.
Hopefully not somebody you emulate.
You're now officially now scaring me.

No Killers? This is the first time I've been disappointed in you.
Well first time today. :P

Sting gets a lot of play on here doesn't he? I knew when I wrote that you'd
have something to say. I honestly think when he starts his "you didn't have to cut me off"
stuff he sounds like Sting.

You have a thing with band names don't you?

These two are pretty basic. BTW I love the surprise thing. So much less work.

tracy chapman - give me one reason

Eagles - Lyin' Eyes


Don't tell me who to emulate! But Marianne Faithfull is >this< close from turning full Lorena Bobbitt in that song!

You know my triggers well. You keep pulling them. Sting, Nolan (Nolaan!). I wonder who's next...

I'm still sticking with Peter Gabriel btw.

It's less work for you, I had to copy _and_ paste. COPY/PASTE DEWEY!!! It's too much work.

I love that Tracy Chapman song. Liked the Eagles one too. (is there a more American name for band? Yes, I have a thing for band names).

How can I forget Beyonce! (


I may never tell you anything again now that you dropped a
Lorena Bobbitt reference. (shudders uncontrollably)

Triggers ? No idea what you're talking about.

I don't have enough time to worry about copy and paste and such nonsense.

I think America is a more american name than The Eagles.
That's just me though.

Couldn't see the first one. More bootlegs?
I've never even heard that song by Beyonce. I'm not sure I've heard
any songs by her. It was ok. Didn't like her whole attitude.
Don't tell me where to go. I like the right sometimes.

The last one might not be a breakup song. More of a drunk dial thing.

The Clash - Train in Vain

Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart

Lady Antebellum - Need You Now


Break Your Heart - Barenaked Ladies (when they were still good and Steve Page was in the band)

And now I'm over you, I'll be OK,
and that I've got what I want,
and that's rid of you
And it's not 'cause I'll be missing you
That makes me fall apart
It's just that I didn't mean to break
No I didn't mean to break
No I didn't mean to break
Your heart

God, I love this song!!!!


Nice. That song is so you.

You'll like these.

American Aquarium- I Hope He Breaks Your Heart

Lucero-Diamond State Heartbreak


So me? Haha. Maybe a little bit. I will let you know what I think of those songs as soon as I can play them. 😊


I love how the stalky break-up song Every Breath You Take gets played at weddings.


Yeah, I really don't think people get what that songs about.


Even though it's so obvious. Must be your favourite song.;)


It definitely was at one time.
Seems like only a few weeks... No wait that was yesterday.


So that was you breathing down my neck and whispering "Baby, baby, please" while I was waiting in line at the supermarket yesterday?


If it was yesterday than there's a good chance.

No offense but i didn't know it was you.
It's kind of a Monday thing I do.


Thank god it was you! I was afraid it might've been Shogun. He's been stalking me around the forum, you know!


Weird thing is that while I was in line behind you somebody
was behind me whispering.
I swear he said something about a pair of deliciousfeet.
I didn't turn around but it now makes sense.

Be careful of that guy.


Good god! I hope he wasn't there to buy some ping pong balls!

Thanks for the concern, dewey! I know I can always count on you!;)


You know I'll always have your back.
Or front or whatever.


I know I'll have you on all my sides!


Only forever.


"I can't help feeling
We could have had it all
(You're gonna wish you never had met me)
Rolling in the deep"
- Rolling in the Deep by Adele

I'm sure everyone knows that one. That whole album was a break up album she wrote about her ex. He must have felt special. Should he get royalties? ;) jk I love this song though, does not get old for me.


I don’t think he gets royalties. If that was the rule, Taylor Swift would be broke.


haha, yeah for sure. I was joking anyways, as I"m sure you know. She said in a video I watched that she told him about the album before it came out. Seemed like she was still in love. Love can suck some times.


I love this song as well! And Adele in general.


I agree, all her songs are great. So fun to sing along to as well, even though I butcher them. haha. She's awesome.


Bell Bottom Blues - Derek and the Dominos (aka Eric Clapton and friends)

and for a laugh

Used To Love Her - Guns N Roses


How could I forget GNR.

I love the angry breakup songs.
This one is one of the best.

Like the one I posted earlier.

"I hope you die a painful death
I hope you choke on your next breath
You screwed me up, you done me wrong
I hope you die before too long"

OK fine, Clapton isn't too bad either.


What song is that?


Farside - I hope you're unhappy


It's a good song.
Love this line: "I don't want to cry anymore than I cry, just as least as much"

Little bit sad though actually. Break ups suck!!


It is a good song.
Too bad it was the wrong one.
Sometimes breakups are good.

John Wing - I Hope You Die


It depends I guess. Sometimes you can break up with someone and then realize it was a mistake... ugh. Is there a song for that?


I'll find one for you but it won't help.


Yes, do find me one. But yeah it probably won't help. Maybe I'll play it for someone else. haha

What about breaking up when you know its the right thing to do, but it feels like the wrong thing to do?

Okay, I'm just sounding crazy now. Maybe I should write my own song, haha.


It's a little crazy but in a good way.

Are we talking about one break up or like 17 breakups?
Are you a heartbreaker?


I used to think I was until mine got broken. Oh, the pain. haha



I figure you've broken many more hearts than times yours was broken.
You are a heartbreaker. I knew it.

You're a heartbreaker
Dream maker, a love taker
Don't you mess around with me


omg, what song is that? It will bug me...must google.
And why would you figure that? lol


I can't see anybody being stupid enough to break up with you.


oh i'm sure he regrets it. haha


I used to love her, but I had to kill her? haha

Oh and I love "When You were Mine" - Cyndi Lauper

When u were mine
I gave u all of my money
Time after time
U done me wrong
Cause, just like a train
U let all my friends come over and eat
And u were so strange
U didn't have the decency to change the sheets

When u were mine
U were kindasorta my best friend
So I was blind
I let u fool around
I never cared

Sorry for all the lyrics, just love that song.


I haven't thought of this song in soooo long....
Ben Folds Five - Song for the Dumped


Good song.
I should know cuz I already posted it.

What am I going to do with Daisy?


Did you really? And I missed it? Sometimes I don't always catch everything. Opps.
Well at least I have good taste.... I could have sworn he wanted his sweater back though, not his black t shirt.
Is there a song about a red sweat shirt? He's wearing red in the video, what a mystery.

More random for you.


That's has random as it gets. lol.

Bodjar - Not the Same

Green Day -Good Riddance

Sum 51- Pieces


I try. ;p
