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black fireman attempts to kill asian co-worker, keeps job

while the asian fire-fighter seems to have been pushed out because he would not allow the matter to drop.

i've seen a few people on twitter saying the story seems too fantastical, impossible.

but to me it is exactly the result you'd expect when you promote & protect groups based on their skin color. not surprising at all.

"Court records allege Muhammad swung the wrench at Shin's head approximately twelve times, breaking his arms as he tried to protect himself, giving him a concussion. One blow sent Shin's glasses across the street, he said. The attack stopped only after a neighbor who works against human trafficking pulled a handgun and confronted Muhammad. …

In addition to the criminal case, Shin has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the City and County of San Francisco, Robert Muhammad, Chief Jeanine Nicholson and other members of the San Francisco Fire Department for Battery, Assault, Race and Color Discrimination, Disability Discrimination, Retaliation and more. Shin's attorney, James Torres, says Robert Muhammad never faced discipline and never missed a paycheck. "You have an individual that the chief has allowed to continue working all this time, continue drawing taxpayer salary all this time after attempting to murder a fellow firefighter."

The lawsuit also says several of Shin's direct supervisors ordered him to drop the charges, and to not cooperate with the police investigation of the attack.

"The first person called me and said, 'Is there any way we can work this out?' Gabriel Shin said. "The second person called me and said, 'You can't charge him. You know, you've got to drop the charges. That man's got a family.' And of course, I was angry. I said, 'You know, he just tried to kill me.'"

The lawsuit says, "They treated Shin with startling prejudice and Muhammad with baffling favor from the outset because they saw one difference: Shin is Asian and Muhammad is Black."

original story here:


Time for reparations in the form of a one way ticket back to Africa.


Is he from Africa?


I don't know, is he?
Wherever he's from he needs to go back there. He doesn't belong here (U.S.).


What if he's from San Francisco?


If he's black, he's not from San Fransisco. Don't be obtuse. You know perfectly well that when I say he should go back to where he came from, I am talking about his ancestral home, which is going to be Africa. Now it could be Haiti, or Jamaica, or wherever else the coloreds come from. But the U.S. is for Europeans. And we can also expand that to Russians or Ukrainians who are also White.

But if ain't White, it ain't right.
You dig homie? Daz rite, tYpe Sheit tyPe sheit.


You don't need to remind me what a racist you are.


Apparently I do fam. Otherwise you wouldn't be asking stupid questions, you feel me?


Remind me again which group has the most privilege in America?




I was gonna say Black People, considering they can get jobs at the drop of a hat just for being black, no experience required, and nobody's allowed to fire them, no matter how bad they are at their job.

I wouldn't say being Jewish is very privileged these days, considering how many people have fallen for the Palestinian, antisemitic BS being spewed all over the internet. What impresses me is how many of those people would have formerly been defending Jews just a few years earlier against anyone saying anything remotely antisemitic, and now they're suddenly on the Hamas bandwagon. Gotta love people who are stupid enough to jump on the quickest, newest bandwagon social media has to offer.


100% to all of that. perfectly said.


jews control the media and many people who were brainwashed just years ago finally woke up. they were behind communism and the deaths of millions of innocent people...


So you heard about how some of the Bolsheviks in Russia during the Revolution were closet Jews too?


Watch Europa the Last Battle


Ah, we got ourselves a noticer.
Goyimtv dot com bro. I think you'll like it.


what a stupid thing to say.

jews achieve more. they create more, they build more, they succeed more. & for that they are vilified & hated & their murders are celebrated & their self-defense is smeared. that's no privilege.

the people who have the most privilege are the ones who get into schools where they would never be accepted if they were not that skin color, the ones who get jobs with fewer qualifications, the ones whose misbehavior is excused in schools, whose criminality & violence & destructive behavior is hand-waved away.


But he is right; they are the most privileged.


Only the rich ones. You ask any Jew that is poor or middle-class in America, with no political/high-class connections, and they're pretty much in the same boat as the rest of us.


The poorest Jew is more privileged than the wealthiest Goyim.


Is that why some of the wealthiest Goyim have intermarried with some of the Jewish elite? For protection?




They achieve more terror, jews are responsible for communism...


there is jewish achievement everywhere, including some things that you might cluck in disapproval of.

jews have won about 30% of fields medals.

nobel prizes:

19% chemistry
26% medicine
41% economics (!)
25% physics

and they are 'overrepresented' in many bureaucracies & academic institutions, & many other areas.

which can be attributed to ashkenazi intelligence. when you look at the prevalence of jews at the extreme right tail of iq distribution, you would expect to see jewish overrepresentation at precisely those sorts of endeavors.


Jewish bankers financed communism and jewish terrorists brought it about. They control our country with child sex slave honey pot scams perpetrated by mossad agents like Epstein. Yeah they maybe smart but that is exactly what makes them so fucking dangerous...


i like turtles


Tom Bowers, is that you? I wasn't expecting the owner of Midnight's Edge to show up here.


i don't get the reference but i'm sure if i did i'd think that was witty!


On a lot of more recent episodes of his show, he likes to play a clip of some kid saying, "I like turtles," in reference to him liking Ninja Turtles while he was growing up.


funnily enough, while i was just poking around on youtube last night, 'midnight's edge' popped up in my recommended videos, even though i'd never seen or heard of it before. the algorithm knows what it's doing sometimes.


I like turtles is an ancient meme.


you sound like a jew 👃


i wish.


Naw circumcision destroys your dicks nerves and destroys enjoyment levels of sex, I pity the jews and the poor McMurican goyum who fell victim to jewish tricks by having their dicks mutilated aswell


Um, I don't get it. How can you "sound like a Jew" on a message board? At least in person or on tv, you could use the stereotypical Jewish New Yorker accent, or just say "foggetaboutit." Not sure how that can translate to words typed online...


he is deflecting jewish crimes by babbling nonsense, something a jew would do..


i'm taking you as seriously as i think your posts deserve to be taken.


The main people responsible for anti-semitism are the jews themselves...


i don't care what you think. you're clearly a vile creep. just go away.




I didn't know Jews did that....


The Jew -100%


interesting username , what does it mean?


The coloreds hands down.


another gem i saw today.

a group called the 'portland freedom fund' exists to pay bail for bipocs.

they paid the bail of a particularly odious man named mohamed (there's that name again!) adan, who within a week had brutally murdered his girlfriend.

nicholas kristof gives a little summary of the incident here:

Consider a volunteer group called the Portland Freedom Fund that was set up to pay bail for people of color. The organization raised money from well-intentioned liberal donors, and the underlying problems were real: Bail requirements hit poor people hard.

In 2022, the Portland Freedom Fund helped a Black man named Mohamed Adan who had been arrested after allegedly strangling his former girlfriend, holding a gun to her head and then — in violation of a restraining order — cutting off his G.P.S. monitor and entering her building. “He told me that he would kill me,” the former girlfriend, Rachael Abraham, warned.

The Freedom Fund paid Adan’s bail, and he walked out of jail. A week later, Adan allegedly removed his G.P.S. monitor again and entered Abraham’s home. The police found Abraham’s body drenched in blood with a large knife nearby; three children were also in the house.

The excellent journalist nancy rommelman gave a more in depth analysis of what happened in the washington examiner about 18 months ago. a longer piece but worth reading.


The organization raised money from well-intentioned liberal donors

Nope. Those are dumb people. Extremely dumb people that believe in a lie like systematic racism. There is so much you can do for poor people, and you spend money to bail criminals out of jail? I wish they could be held liable for that woman’s death.


Chief Jeanine?? Shin??? Mohammed???

Ha ha ha ha ha, looking good san Francisco
