MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why do Jews pronounce H in Hamas as if t...

Why do Jews pronounce H in Hamas as if they got phlegm in their throat?

So annoying every time they say it.


Jews are middle eastern people and most middle eastern people have that sort of enunciation.


Why do you hate the Jews so much you make fun of their language? Maybe you're the dumbass pronouncing it wrong?


When did I make fun of their language? I didn't realize asking a question means making fun of.


It's very disrespectful to Hamas, I'm surprised there haven't been protests about it


Because that's how H is pronounced in Hebrew, Yiddish and I assume Arabic. It's similarly pronounced like Hanukkah/Chanukah or Chutzpah. They're pronouncing it correctly. Americans are mispronouncing it.

L'Chaim! 🥂


Wow, give the retard a cookie for a change.

We're English speaking Americans. That's how we pronounce words. You're like the pretentious douchebag in the restaurant that corrects someone's pronunciation of croissant.


Hmm, guess I should start gurgling spit in my throat so I can say it properly. xD


German has that guttural sound, too. You can practice hocking a hoogie. Jack taught Rose how to do it in the Titanic movie:


They have phlegm in their throats from eating gefilte fish.
