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Question about transgender bathrooms

Why is it so important for the alphabet people to have other women around them while they go to the bathroom? I don’t get it, just go piss and go about your business. If being around men makes you uncomfortable well women being around you might make them uncomfortable, so why not just have separate bathrooms for the alphabet people? Again just go do your business and go about your day, needing other people around you to share the experience is just abnormal and weird


They claim their identity is about how they feel, but their entire existence seems to hinge on how other see them. This is no different, it’s about acceptance. And all the women and children that feel uncomfortable, fuck them, they are bigots, and their feelings are less important than the single transgender.


The 'feeling' they are talking about is the feeling that they need the entire world to play along with the delusion/mental illness.


That’s really pathetic , they need validation from strangers in the bathroom.


I remember being in my local Auldies a while back and they had unisex bathrooms to pander to transgender people. They had one toilet so that only 1 person could use each bathroom. I'd rather have men and women's bathrooms but if you're gonna do unisex bathrooms that's the way to do them.


Why is it important for you to have other men around when you go to the bathroom?


Unless you're asking a trans man this question, who said that it is?


I never said any such thing. You’re being dishonest. I asked why the alphabet being need to have women around them when they take a dump?


“so why not just have separate bathrooms for the alphabet people?”

Are you suggesting that anyone who identifies as anything other than straight should have their own bathroom? If so, how do you suggest to pay for a billion+ extra shitters?


Maybe the government can just not waste our money for one day. Or the alphabet people can just go to the men’s room. Either way works for me.


Lesbians are included in the “alphabet” you speak of, you think they should use the men’s room too?

Actually, you probably do 🙄


They are biological women, they should use the women’s room. You knew what I meant.


He just wants to go to the bathroom.
