MovieChat Forums > Politics > RFK Jr. got worms for brains

RFK Jr. got worms for brains

A dead worm that is. Ate a portion of his brain so maybe that's why he's so anti-COVID vax. Ivermectin was his miracle drug.


This sure does explain a lot.


It could happen to you.


BTW, former covid performative artist and public pants-wetter Chris Cuomo has admitted to being vax injured and has also done a 180 on Ivermectin. Three years ago he yukked it up with fellow CNN pickle chugger Don Lemon about how stupid people were to injest "horse dewormer" but now he says he's seen the light and takes regular prophylactic doses of this incredibly safe, Nobel Prize winning medicine.

Fuck Fredo. It's too late for apologies.


Jimmy Dore had some fun at that corporate puppet's expense:


Good listen... Fredo is such a narcissistic POS.

Covid Karma is so real.


I like how that group accused so many of being grifters and when the tide starts to change, they changed with it - just like, a grifter would.

For what it's worth, Chris Coumo, you're a piece of shit.


Yup, thats the media's playbook... lay low for a few months, and pretend to be the winning side the entire time. Totally dishonest.


At some point you idiots will realize the COVID vaccines were a fucking joke and that you've been doing the dirty work of Big Pharma.

Ivermectin alleviated my symptoms of long COVID.
