MovieChat Forums > Politics > Those campus university protests are sur...

Those campus university protests are sure ramping up across America

Even Faux Newz is scared their Jew overlords are commanding them to report on it 24/7 recently.The new red scare, the new McCarthyism.

Meanwhile on the other end of the retard spectrum of intimidation:


MOSSAD threatening them all with facial recognition software, and blackballing...

Also... The Red Scare was justified, and McCarthy was 100% correct. We were stupid for not listening to him.


Is this a fake account? Doesnt sound real


Nevermind, its fake.
If it was real, probably Mossad would be declared a terrorist organization in a matter of hours lol


Hypothetically speaking of course, because this is an anti semitic conspiracy theory with no basis in reality, but hypothetically speaking, I have a hard time seeing any sort of movement against the Jew overlords gaining momentum when they have so much of big media, including social media, so firmly in their grip, along with a majority of our venal and depraved politicians.


idk man this war is making even the most tame brainwashed jew serving cucks start to question if the jew is really our friend. the censorship of internet and media only highlights the jewish control and power they have over society. the censorship is counterproductive to their cause. Its a lose if they do, lose if they don't situation. Average joes are waking up. the streets are talking, they can't control the streets...


Could widespread blackmail be keeping the media along with most of our politicians and other leaders in line?

I strongly suspect the government, or a faction within some government agency, has been engaging in large scale spying for decades. Courts ruled against them doing that kind of unconstitutional surveilling of the citizenry, but they had no way to make them stop, really. The FBI has been caught breaking warrantless wiretapping laws, for example. I see no reason to believe they meant it, really this time, when they promised to stop.

Digressing a little: J. Edgar Hoover was known to collect blackmail on those in power as well as celebrities. It's the reason he was able to stay in office until the day he died. They even passed a law to make an exception to the rule requiring retirement at a certain age. This wasn't because he was so widely loved and respected. LOL.

Imagine what an intelligence agency could manage to do in the blackmail collecting department in these times, with the technology available. An agency, or a faction inside the agency, could gain enormous influence that way.

I think it's also possible a big tech company, or a faction within, could accomplish something similar. Most people, including world leaders and celebrities, carry around a phone that's networked and equipped with microphone and camera.

Bringing this around to Israel, they have perhaps the best intelligence gathering apparatus in the world (despite their shocking failure to let Israel's leadership know about the October 2023 Hamas attack that started the current Israel-Palestine war). Many have speculated that Jeffery Epstein was an operative of Mossad who was compromising powerful men in the US. But he may have been the tip of the iceberg. If they managed to coopt people in one of those intelligence agencies, they'd have access to all everything...not just dirt on the leadership, but all of us ordinary citizens.

I've had experiences that made me wonder whether I'm being watched, for fuck's sake. Things popping up in Amazon or Facebook feeds that don't make much sense unless they were doing more than just watching my Facebook posts.



I'm certainly no fan of baldwin, but I'm fine with him slapping the phone out of that bitch's hands.

INdeed, I would be fine with him punching her right in the face.


The media, Hollywood, big pharma, real estate , movie studios, banks. Central Banks, weapons complex, Coca Cola, IBM, Amazon , food manufacturers etc are all “owned” by the Jewish Overlords as majority stake holders. As majority stake holder you control the direction the company is taking and its values while gaining all of it profits.
So when we give Ukraine & Israel $300 billion – we are taking up loans in their banks to buy their weapons to aid them in securing more land, values, influence & power.


Columbia University, the epicenter of pro-Palestinian and anti Israel protests at US college campuses in recent days, says all classes at its main campus will be hybrid — technology permitting — until the spring semester ends.

“Safety is our highest priority as we strive to support our students’ learning and all the required academic operations,” the university said in an announcement Monday night.

Professors holding classes where hybrid was not an option were asked to consider remote participation or “provide other accommodations liberally to students who have requested support for virtual learning this week.”


In the name of democracy.

Police beat students at universities across the US in the name of Israel.

What a bottom, they beat their students to defend the war criminal Netanyahu


God damn it. You got my hopes up. I thought I was going to get to see cops with billies clubs really giving these fucking leftard hippies the beat down they deserve.

Instead, that was completetly restrained and professional arrests going on.

That was a shitty thing to do.


Its not a left or right issue, the jews control both parties


Fuck that shit. I see lefties being assholes on a level that the republicans could only dream of.

THey need to be called to account for it. I'm not giving them a pass to go after a subset of the asshole herd.


Leftist are are retards, I don't disagree, but this not a left or right issue, this is a jewish issue. The jews control both sides, although the left is splintered harder and faster into two factions. The right is also splintering but at a less visible degree, far right super conservatives hate the jews and openly talk about this, then there are the fat boomer fox watching conservatives who are still brainwashed into being jewish cucks. This has nothing to do with left or right...


I disagree. The right supports Isreal and/or the right of jewish students to not be terrorized or victims of violence, for real reasons of our own, not because of "jewish control".

The left is.... just batshit crazy and their different fractions of bat shit crazy are clashing, because obviously they eventually would.


Naw the REAL RIGHT knows that the jews are using child sex slaves to blackmail our politicians into being the dumb obedient muscle of israhell. China covered their whole country with Japanese level speed trains during the past 20 years, how did our great nation change in the past 20 years? We went into trillions of dollars of debt fighting jewish wars in the middle east, and have NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT!!!!!


Our politicians don't need to be blackmailed to be dumb or to support policies that are anti-American.

I hold them PERSONALLY responsible for their combo idiocy and evilness. I will NOT shift blame from them to some jewish guy that he had lunch with ten years ago.


Look up Epstein and see what mossad agent was up, his business was honeypottin horny powerful men


NOt buying it. I can see the herd behavior and the stupidity of the left in real time all the way from the top of our society to the bottom.

Sure maybe Epstein had a mossad connection.

We were in Afganistan because of 9-11.

We were in Iraq because of Saddam being an asshole.


the jews did 9/11. Every country is run by an asshole, should we invade everyone?

Our dumb low iq rednecks should be put to use building our infrastructure not going out killing mooslums for the benefit of the jewish ethnostate...


The jews did NOT do 9-11, and

don't play dumb. "Saddam was an asshole" was clearly a reference to his behavior AFTER his warmaking, not just being an asshole.

"Dumb low iq rednecks"? LOL.


You think people who sign away their rights and freedom for a dodge charger are high iq exactly?!?


They are smarter than a guy that thinks that the JEWS did 9-11.


Who benefited from 9-11? Us? Naw it was the dirty jew. If you wanna know who was behind a certain event look to see who has the most to gain from it...


Following the "benefit" is often a good way to find out who had a motive.

BUt, it is not fool proof.

A bunch of really stupid muslims did 9-11. No, it didn't work out well for them. Or their people. That does not mean that they did not do it.

People do stupid shit all the time. you know that. EVERYONE knows that.


Lets say the mooslums did do it.

It was because we were acting as a jew puppet.

If we weren't going around doing the jews dirty work the mooslums would have no reason to fuck with us


Nope. We were protecting the world's oil supply. Osama had a hissy fit because our non muslim shoes stepped on the sacred soil of the nation that held the holy rock.

You might respect that. I don't. FUck him, and anyone that agrees with him. I want mass drivers on teh moon so that any asshole that wants to talk that shit, can be bombed down to lava fields.

That's got nothing to do with jews.


says the jew...


LOL. Try again.

Osama and his crew hated us primarily because we are not muslims.

Someone kils innocent civilian AMERICANS for a reason like that?

I don't care what kind of beef you have with jews, there is no reason good enough to NOT hold the right people responsible and to give them a traditional AMERICAN response to cowardly sneak attacks.

By which I mean WAR and DEATH.

On a big fucking scale too.


Police escalate and start violence against peaceful protestors. That happened during the 60s, too.

Police in riot gear showed up, attacked and arrested University of Texas students peacefully gathered and a photographer at Fox 7 who said police pushed him and then filed false charges.


Peaceful my ass.


Have you physically been to any or are you just watching them on the "news"?

It's interesting that you don't believe the MSM unless it fits your stereotype.


Actually, I am going out on a limb and figuring it you support it, and call it peaceful, that it is the opposite.

So, big chance to prove me wrong. LOL!!!
