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How Come Anti-Abortion Advocates Support Gazan Unborn & Kids' Deaths?

I posted this video elsewhere, but it's obvious that so-called "pro-lifers" don't really care about the unborn or small babies dying. No outrage nor reaction from those who pretend to care about human life.

It's very obvious that this 2-month old is in severe pain and suffering.

Warning! It's a disturbing video:

The real reason for anti-abortion legislation is for men to control women and their bodies similar to "Handmaiden's Tale".


Why do you care? They are just clumps of cells to you. Take this disingenuous post, and shove it.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


Why don't you care since you claimed to be "pro-life"?


I've never claimed that.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


Why do you NOT care ?


Because this war is WWE Heel Match. Stepping in does any 3rd party no to just let the 2 sides duke it out.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


Does sending weapons qualify as stepping in?


Another faux outrage.

You supported the death of 60+ million.

You also supported a weak and incompetent president that has done nothing about preventing or ending the Gazan conflict.


How come you only care for Gaza children so much?

Malnutrition in Congo
"The World Health Organization(WHO) warned that hunger, poverty, malnutrition and the spread of diseases have reached alarming levels in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Around 25 million people, a quarter of the country's population, face hunger, with two in five children severely malnourished."
March 24, 2024

Yah, that's also "disturbing" but you don't seem to care.
Are we supposed to think that babies in the Congo are too dark-skinned for your heroic child-crusades? πŸ‘ΆπŸΌβ€‹πŸ‘ΆπŸ½β€‹πŸ‘ΆπŸΎβ€‹πŸ‘ΆπŸΏβ€‹


1. My money is being used to send bombs to create a genocide and ethnic cleansing in Palestine. My money!

2. Genocide and ethnic cleansing pisses me off which have been ongoing by Israelis since 1948. We have a chance to finally end it by globally applying pressure to our sociopath leaders in the West and Middle East.

3. Rebels with 100+ militias wrecking havoc in Congo. Totally different situation. The West and China are not actively escalating war, but attempting to stop it. Sudan, Haiti and Yemen also have my attention.

BTW, there are black Palestinians πŸ‘ΆπŸΏ


1. You don't pay any taxes, means, it's not your money.
2. What happens in Gaza is a war the Palestinians started (no genocide, no ethnic cleansing).
3. Anti-Abortion and Gaza-War are totally different topics.

Your "attention" to Congo, Sudan, Haiti and Yemen is noted.
Alas, I haven't seen you express it anywhere.
Please don't add more drama-OPs to show your supposed concern. ☻

Btw. I didn't see any "black Palestinians", only light brown ones.
Perhaps one had a father from Congo?
Or is allegedly "from Germany" like your Arabian/Turkish historian in your other OP. πŸ™„β€‹


I can't believe people that get tax returns make the claim about their tax money so much lol.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


Who do you mean?
Who are the "people" who get "tax returns"? πŸ˜Žβ€‹


The majority of Americans do not actually pay any taxes. What is actually happening is the federal and state governments are stealing money out of your paycheck every pay-period and then giving it back to you at the end of the year.

A Tax return is just the government giving what they took, back to you. Net-Tax payers(rich people) tend to owe taxes every year, that's the actual source of government money. Their money, not ours.

So.. when average joe Boomer says "My taxes blah blah...", its meaningless unless they are an actual net tax-payer. Which most likely they are not.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


Sorry, your description of your tax system made me smile. πŸ™‚β€‹
It's pretty similar to ours.
Employees --> Payment monthly by deduction from salary
Self-employed --> Payment every three months (income tax)

The difference is that your self-employed people estimate their tax advance payments themselves. These advance payments are determined by our tax office based on the last annual tax declaration.
The final statement comes for both of us (USA, Germany) with the annual tax declaration, which can lead to additional payments or refunds. Depending on the advance payments up to that point.

Self-employed people certainly more likely must make an annual additional payment. And if they aren't able to (money blown) the stress starts.
Both hunt them hard (your IRS, our tax office).

Well, our income tax is significantly higher than yours.
That's why the tax office is often called "robber knight". βš”οΈβ€‹πŸ€Ί ☺


No. Anti-abortion legislation is to prevent murder. Liar.


You're being really stupid. During World War II, everyone in America who was anti-abortion was completely fine with dropping bombs on kids in Germany and Japan. You know this. Why would you expect anything to be different 80 years later? None of those anti-abortion advocates specifically want Gazan kids to die. They just want Israel to defeat Hamas and understand that Gazan kids dying as a result is the fault of Hamas.


