MovieChat Forums > Politics > 'Chicago Ray' walks back trucker NYC boy...

'Chicago Ray' walks back trucker NYC boycott, but says 'leave Trump alone'

After calling on truckers to boycott driving to New York City in response to the civil fraud judgment that fined Trump more than $350 million last week, "Chicago Ray" has taken back his call to action.

"I took that video down from Friday bc it went viral and my Grandson seen it on Tik Tok… I stand with Trump 100% Truckers for Trump," a trucker known as "Chicago Ray" wrote on X, formerly Twitter on Monday morning.

Chicago Ray continued writing that drivers can make their own decisions based on their families and their careers.

"I worked for a place for 18 years and I quit em in one day and had this job b4 I got to my car... I ain't the leader of any movement... I'm my own man period.... God Bless America, God Bless Trump and God bless every Truck driver in this country," Ray concluded.

When will Trump's band of merry idiots see that they are completely out of touch with most of Americans?


Most Americans see the legalistic lynching of Trump as an injustice and election interference.

Becasue it is.


No they don't.

Because it isn't.


Yes, it is. AND they do.


He is more than free to bow out, but I don't think everyone is going to listen to him.

The real fallout is the weaponization of common real estate banking via tyranny.


Truckers can always work for Amazon when they're fired!


How do you "fire" someone that is in super short supply and own the trucks? Without the truckers and their have a loading dock of full trailers that are sitting and doing nothing.

Seems unrealistic.


ANNNNDD The Book of Yahoo is wrong again!

Always be wary of MSM articles, Folks. They are most likely bullshit reports from reports of reports that some fake reports were made by a random journalist.

Never trust them. Especially Yahoo, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, (yes)Fox, etc...
