MovieChat Forums > Politics > Bill Clinton should be tried for the col...

Bill Clinton should be tried for the cold blooded murder of the Waco children

Bill Clinton could have ended the siege day one by driving a radio controlled tank to knock down a wall. Instead, he tortured the children for weeks on end blasting sounds of animals being slaughtered because he wanted to see them suffer. Also, it was weird that Koresh was wanted for having sex with underage girls when Bill Clinton is linked to Epstein.


he tortured the children

Yes, he and Killary are both very guilty of that among other diabolical things.


If SCOTUS upholds the Presidential Immunity BS, then every former President still alive is up for charges...


Yup. Bill should be jailed for raping and killing kids.


The Clinton administration is when the FBI was corrupted to become an arm of the communist Democrat party.

1993 - Hillary caught with 500 FBI files in the west wing. “Filegate”

1993 - Waco TX murder by Clinton/Reno and FBI coverup

1993 Blackhawk Down: Mogadishu blunder that got dozens of American soldiers killed. A direct result of gross incompetence from the Clinton administration.

1993 1st World Trade Center bombing. Resulting cover up and incompetent lack of response that lead to more terrorist attacks on the US.

1995 Oklahoma City bombing cover up that claimed it performed by 1 guy who was a reeeeee “white supremacist” despite dozens of witnesses seeing a truck full of Islamic terrorists racing from the scene.

1996 TWA flight 800: 747 shot down leaving NY, over 100 witnesses including military pilots saw a missile fly towards and strike the aircraft. FBI covered it up to protect Clinton’s incompetent foreign policy just ahead of the 96 election.

And this is just the first term.
