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Trump Will Burn America to the Ground says Chris Christie

Christie, a former New Jersey governor is running for president. “Some people say I should drop out of this race. Really? I’m the only one saying Donald Trump is a liar. He pits Americans against each other,” he says in the ad running in the Granite State.

“His Christmas message to anyone who disagrees with him? ‘Rot in Hell.’ He caused a riot on Capitol Hill — he’ll burn America to the ground to help himself,” Christie adds.

Christie posted his latest ad on X, formerly called Twitter, and said “telling the truth isn’t hard.”

In the video, Christie claims “every Republican leader” privately criticizes Trump but says he is “the only one saying it in public.”

“What kind of president do we want? A liar or someone who’s got the guts to tell the truth?” Christie says in the ad. “New Hampshire, it’s up to you.”"

The ad:

The last time Trump was president, 1 million Americans died, record unemployment and bankruptcies, and the economy went off a cliff. Of course, there's was Jan. 6 attempt to end democracy and create a dictatorship. Yep, I agree with Christie. Trump is a clear and present danger.


"1 million Americans died,"



Keeliar blames Trump for everything including death from old age.


And he spends his whole life talking about Trump. Here.


That's hilarious!🤣 You can't stop talking about Biden in fact he's in your username. You really are an uneducated retard.


"You can't stop talking about Biden in fact he's in your username"

I should have picked something cooler instead like "robocat".


I'm not "uneducated" at all..

I've read lots of things that make me far more educated about the world and everything in it than you.

You are a typical basement dwelling pseudointellectual with delusions of being "wise" and smart.


Imagine if Trump offered Christie the VP Position?? Would he turn that frown into a smile then or not??


Christie is a RINO with TDS; however, as Haley has gained votes over RDS and Vivek, Christie has syphoned some of Haley's votes.

Trump's biggest hater has actually helped Trump the most.


According to you the Democrats rigged the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught or having a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible. Why hasn't one single person involved come forward as a whistle blower? Why haven't Republicans provided any proof that the 2020 election was stolen? You seem to get stupider with each passing day if that's even possible.
