MovieChat Forums > Politics > Bill Clinton caused the Ukraine war.

Bill Clinton caused the Ukraine war.

“President Clinton made a courtesy stop at Kyiv on his way to Moscow for the Trilateral Statement signing, only to discover Ukraine was having second thoughts about signing. Clinton told Kravchuk not signing would risk major damage to U.S.-Ukraine relations. After some minor rewording, the Trilateral Statement was signed by the three presidents in Moscow in front of the media on 14 January 1994.”

according to Wikipedia.


Bill is another member of the DS swamp.


The Swamp loves conflict and war. Joe magically found another 200 billion.




i would say the" internet "and the spy program the NSA pegasus used and people copied or thought they were a part of in the early 2000 with the illegal porongraphy corruped the hell out of that place

im not exactly sure what went down but the early start to the deepweb definitly

i never gave anyone a dime to obtain that information thats how good i am

never have and never will because it's a stupid addiction to have and i know that now


>i would say the" internet "and the spy program the NSA pegasus used and people copied or thought they were a part of in the early 2000 with the illegal porongraphy corruped the hell out of that place

What are you dribbling about? Based on what evidence?


just how corrupt the region was back in the early 2000's thats all

i would prefer to drop the subject, i just wanted to show what balls i had and somhow create the illusion i was smarter than i really am
