MovieChat Forums > Politics > UKRAINE AGAIN - The many times Putin tri...

UKRAINE AGAIN - The many times Putin tried to make peace, and was refused, and played ...

Amazing stuff.

Judge Andrew Napolitano - Judging Freedom
Putin's Plan for Ukraine Now - Ray McGovern

From Russia's perspective, Putin had no choice. Ray McGovern, former long time CIA analyst and briefer to the President.


Putin had no choice to try and invade and annex an independent nation, fail, and then got caught in a conflict he can't end without potentially being couped himself.

Ray McGovern seems to be another one of those ex-analysts turned Tankies.

Andrew Napolitano is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist.

Proper guys.


The way you fail to read or watch arguments, and just decide to make up your own asinine summaries so you can argue against yourself is basically non-responsive.

As to all of your replies to me, you don't bother to consider what I write down or point to, you just jump in to contradict with the most absurd ideas.

If you don't want to engage in discussion or learn anything and just seek to show up within minutes of my every post - it's clear you are just some kind of propagandist not at all interested in pursuing the truth or considering discussion.

On the other I try in vain to have a discussion on this intellectually barren ( for the most part ) site and would consider even something you said, if you made any sense at all, and argue against the facts of your thesis.

The only thesis you have is that it is your job to protect and defend the establishment narrative with lies and insults and waste people's time.

You've never bothered to consider anything anyone has mentioned under the notion that if you just keep making fun of it people won't take it seriously. That reaction has worked to the extent that it has slowed the dissemination of the truth and destroyed Ukraine and killed hundreds of thousands of people, and may yet lead to nuclear war.

That is just how twisted you are.

Now I am going to put you on ignore, because your every post for months does this and it is a waste of my time. If you are so gung-ho on the establishment narrative ... put it together and post it, because I can actually pick it apart. Doubt you will because you are allergic to facts and thinking.


I thought you already had me on ignore.

You never answered any of my questions, and I don't see remotely why I should take a tankie or 9/11 conspiracy theorist seriously on anything.

I note your pro-imperialistic attitude to both the Falklands and Taiwan by the way.


I've learnt fast here that whoever posts a YouTube link while making a claim, said claim will always be hollow. If you get your worldview from YouTube clips, I shudder thinking what you make of its comments section.


So, every clip on YouTube is "hollow".
And then everyone who watches ANY YouTube clip has an incorrect world view.

You're saying nothing. I think anyone reasonable person can see right off the bat how stupid that claim is.


minor incursions are approved by Joe Biden.


Full context:

On Wednesday, Biden had predicted Russia would invade Ukraine, but suggested there was a split among NATO members about how to respond if Moscow took action that stopped short of sending its troops across the border — something Biden referred to as a "minor incursion." He said:

"I think what you're going to see is that Russia will be held accountable if it invades. And it depends on what it does. It's one thing if it's a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do."

They also clarified:

Shortly after Biden wrapped up his press conference, his press secretary Jen Psaki issued a statement trying to explain what he meant:

"If any Russian military forces move across the Ukrainian border, that's a renewed invasion, and it will be met with a swift, severe, and united response from the United States and our allies."

She said that "aggression short of military action" like cyberattacks and paramilitary hits "will be met with a decisive, reciprocal, and united response."

But I know the truth has never stopped you.


its a minor incursion at this point. no need to worry, Joe will end the war in a month...


Do you ever engage honestly?

Being quite honest Jo, if you just troll when you reply to me then I'd rather you just put me on ignore or ignore my posts.


I enjoy trolling you, its too easy really.


Why do it in the first place? Do you not have the courage of your convictions to argue your points honestly?

Why do so many people here behave like little children on here? I am assuming that you are a grown adult.


So you are yet another adult who behaves like a little baby when interacting with people whom you disagree with.


So you are yet another adult who behaves like a little baby when interacting with people whom you disagree with.


why do you keep copying me?


Are you genuinely editing your own posts so you can do a little "stop hitting yourself" type virtual comment?

I honestly can't believe a grown adult behaves like you do


thank you for conversing with the real IMDb Legend.


The many times Putin tried to re-install a Pro-Russia stooge, and was refused, and played... < - Fixed

Ah, yes, the o'l peace switcheroo in your home nation.

Slava Ukraine! Summer counter-offensive has partially begun.
