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Louisiana man charged for shooting 14 year old playing hide and seek

He shot her in the back of the head is when hiding on his property while apparently not having a clue what was going on when he noticed something odd. Sure, let's get a gun without making any logical and careful observations!


I hope the girl recovers but I also empathize with the homeowner. A group of kids was on his property after midnight and he was concerned about his safety. The parents should be supervising these kids instead of letting them run around after midnight. Whatever happened to PARENTAL GUIDANCE? A fourteen-year-old girl running around after midnight is going to get knocked up.

Louisiana does have a stand your ground law but I believe it only covers people breaking into the residence. These kids CLAIMED to be playing hide-and-seek BUT they could have been trying to steal stuff. I'm confident that these kids were NOT playing hide-and-seek since that's a game for five-year-olds.


It also has attempting in the stand your ground writing. Likely that county turned democrat and the da is an asshole.


Democrat covid policies have affected people's flight or fight response. Prolonged isolation is well known to cause people to experience dementia like episodes.

Mix this in with 2-3 years of straight up rioting, and this is the fall out.

Starks, LA is a town of 664 people. There is way more to this story.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Nah! Trigger-happy right-wing gun nuts. You need to take responsibility. Your gun obsession and lack of common sense have nothing to do with Democrats.


No morally resposnsible person would be so quick to react with a gun. Just take precaution and examine slowly, but carefully.
