MovieChat Forums > Politics > The claim of FBI troublemakers in the J6...

The claim of FBI troublemakers in the J6 crowd

While I am no fan of the FBI and have a prejudice against them where they have done illegal things, such as the murders of Fred Hampton and the Waco cult, the racist Hoover years, and other wrong and illegal acts by them, I still want the truth when I see claims against them.

Here I started a lively discussion of how the Trumpers on J6 were having a nice picnic at the DC Cap. and how in awe I am at their uniting for a common cause.

Someone brought up the idea of the FBI infiltrating.
After debate/discussions that did not convince me with one poster, InquiringMind (A good chap.) reminded me of Jimmy Dore who brought it up that took me to watch his take on it:

So from watching the video I am still not 100% convinced the FBI or other was 100% behind all the violence at the Cap. that day.
Maybe, just maybe, they could have been behind some of it.
Though I am not sure why they would be since the risk of them getting caught is too great and could lead to Clowngress taking away their funding and other resources.

I still think it was Trumpers who were behind the majority of it, like assaulting cops, and that those who cannot admit they were behind any of it and blame FBI, BLM or Antifa for it just cannot face up to the fact that their side can get this way.


What do liberals think of Scaffold Commander being democrat journalist John Nichols? Scaffold Commander and John Nichols have the same face and teeth and voice and Scaffold Commander has never been found.

Also the guy who used wire cutters to cut a fence has never been found and the authorites are not even looking for him just like they are not looking for scaffold commander.


True the guys who set things into motion and manipulated the crowd aren't being searched for. They have no problem with Epps or the scaffolding guy who is telling everyone what to do, or the guy systematically taking down fences and no trespassing signs.

It's basically the opposite structure of the typical mob/cop movie. They are working with the mob boss to catch one of his guys who is selling a nickel bag in the park.


The FBI? Everyone knows it was Antifa...whoever else they can scapegoat!


"Scapegoat" is a good word here.

Take a look at any pics from that day outside and what do you see?
Lots of Trump banners and Trump and American flags.
That is proof enough it was not Antifa because they would not spend their money on those.

Just the Trumpers being in denial it was them who assaulted cops.
Blue lives only matter when they are killing blacks.


Notice how many times she deflected with “I cannot answer that” and then lies about it in the end, lol.

The FBI, DOJ, and other gov. agencies have been weaponized by the Democratic-left.

Good video and observations by Dore and others.


I do think a lot of the sentences could have been too harsh and done with prejudice under the old geezer admin.

In the meantime we do not hear of the Burn Loot Murder criminals and what happened to them.


You are fully enveloped in the BlueAnon Conspiracy.

Tall, muscular, square jawed "nazis" with large stealth watches and obvious pocket-sized revolvers all show up to a "White Nationalist Rally" and you immediately assume it's real.

How do you think this looks to a normal person from the outside?

Anyone can dress up like anyone and do stupid shit. A-N-Y-O-N-E. Especially those with narrative to maintain. It's being done to make you crazy, and it works....very well apparently. Wake up, Bro.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.


You’re so far gone….


Do you think every single white nationalist, far-right rally/protest/riot is a false flag organised entirely by imposters?
