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Pence says Trump 'endangered my family' on Jan. 6

Former Vice President Mike Pence on Saturday harshly criticized former President Donald Trump for his role in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, widening the rift between the two men as they prepare to battle over the Republican nomination in next year's election.

“President Trump was wrong," Pence said during remarks at the annual white-tie Gridiron Dinner attended by politicians and journalists. "I had no right to overturn the election. And his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the Capitol that day, and I know history will hold Donald Trump accountable.”

I don't know what he's talking about. January 6 was just a peaceful gathering not a riot.


He's a lying dipshit lol. The new footage clearly shows no one was in danger.

Narrative crumbled.

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That's not what millions of Americans watched live on Jan. 6. You ignore that and just believe that the 10 minutes of highly edited out of context video that Carlson displayed is all that happened that day.


You ignore that

And you ignore the fact that there were government agents and Antifa embedded in the crowd.

out of context video

You mean like the videos displayed by the corrupted Biden administration, Democrats, and DNC controlled media?!


And you ignore the fact that Tucker Carlson and FOX news have been lying to you for years.


Nice try in projecting from the many lies told by the leftist media that you are always believing.
Your statement is an example of it.


Lol, they watched a heavily edited FanFic.

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Did Tucker edit out Pence’s gallows?


It's really funny watching the MAGAs ignore what millions of people saw on Jan. 6 and only believe in what Carlson told them to believe.


I know , it’s insane


You'd love to hang conservatives in the street.

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Apparently only fifty year old MAGA zombies do


So I guess this means they are no longer buds?


I guess he remembered the rioters chanting "Hang Mike Pence" after two years.


Imagine hearing that chant every night before falling asleep?


He is pussy.


He is!
He should have given Trump a beating for all eternity after J6
