MovieChat Forums > Politics > CraigC, typical Republican liar & insult...

CraigC, typical Republican liar & insults those who are right while doing it ...

I found it, and CraigC is 10000% wrong. Ooooh, I knew there was something fishy about his BS.

First, from the Social Security Website FAQ, here is how SS tax works -

In 2023, the maximum amount of earnings on which you must pay Social Security tax is $160,200. We raise this amount yearly to keep pace with increases in average wages.

In MC user Brux's (who naively fell for Craig's erroneous claims) post linked here -
Bernie Sanders' Bill To Fix & Raise Social Security

Bernie Sanders' plan to buttress Social Security and even give retired people a raise, here is what CraigC swore at others about:

CraigC: "Fucking idiots. A billionaire does NOT pay the same amount into social security. You pay 12.4% of your income up to a cap of $160,000. The person making $160,000/yr is only paying $19,840 into social security. He's an idiot for posting it and you're an idiot for repeating it. Or you're both just liars. Which is it?"

In fact, more from the SS website:
Social Security taxes in 2023 are 6.2 percent of gross wages up to $160,200.

So, Craig is also wrong about the percentage. It's not 12.4%, it is 6.2%.

Well Craig, you're wrong about everything you said.

CraigC is totally wrong.
Either he cannot read & understand SS's very simple rules, or he is just lying.
Not only that but he while he lies, he insults:
Fucking idiots
idiot for posting it
idiot for repeating it.
you're both just liars.


He's one of the first people on this website to be put on my ignore list.


He should get booted off the site for habitually passing off false information and abusing people while he does it. Maybe they just figure if they don't let him have some sort of outlet he'll grab all his guns and start shooting?


Yeah, but he has two successful grooming businesses!


I really don't understand why it's allowed to go on. I never used to post on political topics here, but I keep feeling the need to correct misinformation, and then I'm pulled in. It's pretty hopeless because there are just too many of these kooks. Did they all get bored at Truth Social or something?


> I keep feeling the need to correct misinformation

A lot of us do. A lot of us are only about the truth first.


OOO Fascism talk, nice. So what other things should people be banned for? What about eye color? I say anyone without Hazel eyes should be banned. Blue eyes are wrong, and only bad people have them. Brown-eyed people are worse, and need an outlet or they might start shooting others.


OOO, false-equivalency talk, SAD!

Obviously, a persons' natural eye color is not a choice.

Purposefully trying to spread misinformation...or indirectly supporting it with false-equivalency




But only when he uses Nair.


"CraigC: "Fucking idiots. A billionaire does NOT pay the same amount into social security. You pay 12.4% of your income up to a cap of $160,000. The person making $160,000/yr is only paying $19,840 into social security."

Far be it from me to defend CraigC... But on this particular issue he has an argument. Maybe it was in the original thread.

The argument is, your employer would have more money to pay you higher wages if employer didn't have to pay employer's 6.2% FICA. Ergo the EMPLOYEE is paying the employer's FICA. (It's not dollar for dollar, the employer gets to deduct employer's FICA when calculation income tax liability)
