MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why are politics seen in nothing but bla...

Why are politics seen in nothing but black & white today?

Today, you if you love the Republican party, then that must mean you hate Democrats. If you love Democrats, then you must hate Republicans. How has thought process become so shitty today?


Back in 2016 when I still had Twitter, I would criticize both Clinton and Trump. If I made a comment where I went after Clinton, I'd get one of her supporters telling me I was a Trump apologist. The funny thing is that I made fun of Trump even more. Then the Trump supporters would attack me and call me a Clinton apologist. Did it ever occur to them that both of them were shit candidates and that if they were the best both parties had, that it was pathetic?


I do that with both Biden and Trump. Started with Trump first when I got more into politics after he was elected and continued under Biden. Now Trump wants to return so the obvious path has been given.


I've had people on this site think I'm a Trump supporter because I make fun of Biden for being a creepy guy who sniffs kids. The thing is that I'm not even making it up, they just don't like that I'm speaking the truth.


because the US is a two party system. this increases this issue you describe

multiparty systems give you other "outlets" to vote for and are less confrontation because it isnt. 100% dichotomy of win or lose.


We have lost our ability or desire to compromise, because democrats have gone so far off the deep end, there is no possible way to compromise, if they even wanted to. Which they do not. Their world only has room for their view, no one else's.
