MovieChat Forums > Politics > Making the Taliban Great Again!

Making the Taliban Great Again!

"My butt has been wiped!" - the most popular president in American history! lolz


“Fuck Joe Biden” - can be heard from students at every college in the country. According to the latest data.


yeah, its pretty much every weekend now. dementia Joe has to go, he is terrible..


20 years of training the Afghans, and the Taliban took Kabul in a weekend.

Biden finally did something right. All Obama and Trump could do was pass the disaster to the next guy.


your praising dementia Joe for the Afghanistan mess and the deaths of thousands of soldiers? bold move even for you...sure am glad I am not a democrap...


They said he couldn't get 50,000 out by the 31st. He got out over 120,000.


And how many did he leave? How much equipment? How about the family he droned into oblivion?

Not a peep from you on that


all quiet as usual.


but left behind tens of thousands of Afghani's and close to 1000 Americans, plus the 85 billion in arms and weapons and cash.

now dementia Joe has over 15,000 Haitians bottle necked in Del Rio, not much outrage from anyone on that, where are the celebrities? why doesnt dementia Joe just let them in like he did with the Afghani's? both groups of people are requesting asylum. no one seems concerned with that kerfuffle on the border...


Their training involved fighting while relying on US air support and and intelligence. Senile Biden had our troops sneek out in the middle of the night leaving the Afghans not knowing what to do.
