MovieChat Forums > Politics > The Wall alone was enough reason to not ...

The Wall alone was enough reason to not re-elect the donald

What a catastrophe. Environmental degradation, including interrupting centuries old migration patterns. An antiquated response in a sophisticated world. (No way to treat a neighbor !)
Mexico isn't paying for it as promised, (and where in the hell did that notion even come from?). Now contractors are scrambling to get as much $$ as they can knowing the whole effort will be quickly undone, (the American Way, right? Grab the cash regardless if it's the right thing).
Only the donald could come up with such a colossally bad idea, (although Cheney and his WMDs is also in the running).
Anyone really wonder why this clown wasn't re-elected?


For years Americans have been grumbling about illegal immigrants taking jobs away from American citizens. They screamed for a wall to be built and when someone, with moxy and money, decides to build one the same American citizens begin screaming about injustice to immigrants. There is such a thing as "Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it". America wished for it.


Have to disagree on all points but ....


Usually a rebuttal contains reasons why one disagrees.


Most pathetic excuse for an argument that I've ever read.


You know who else has a border wall?

Mexi Fucking Co.

Fuck Off.


Please elaborate without using expletives.

Or just continue to use expletives to undermine your own credibility.
Which is much more convincing, using expletives to bolster your argument.
Keep it up.


But,75 milions of people voted for him anyway. Just deal with it ^^
