MovieChat Forums > Politics > We need more gun laws and free stuff als...

We need more gun laws and free stuff also
The mother of a Florida teenager who was shot and killed by a sheriff’s deputy this month was wounded at his burial service Saturday.


We definitely need more gun laws and restrictions. Only developed nation that has the gun and murder problems we do.


What kind of gun laws are you proposing. Don't forget it a Constitutional right in this country and we can't simply ban them.


we could ban them from low IQ people


You see, that's the kind of dumb answer I was expecting here.


if your head wasn't so far up your own bum, you'd realize that mandating cognitive tests for firearm purchases would solve 87% of crimes involving guns


If you weren't so ignorant, you know this would be deemed unconstitutional and wouldn't hold up in the courts. And where did you come up with 87% of gun crimes would be solved? Did you pull it out of your rectum? You are aware the majority of gun crimes are committed by people in illegal possession of them, right? I'm sure they would willingly take those cognitive tests though!


this country was founded & built on racism & slavery!!
throw it out!! more like US Constipation!
this 2020 uprising demonstrates that people don't want to live in a country laid out in the constitution, it's time to advance, evolve, & move on,
cognitive tests for firearm purchases, pregnancies, & driver's licenses!!! NOW!!!


You can't throw out the Constitution. Its the law of the land and our politicians take an oath to protect it. Don't like it, well then you're free to leave.

There was no 2020 uprising. Just a bunch of losers in cities like Portland who think protesting means you can vandalize property and riot.


"Constitutional right!"

Come up with a better argument. The 2nd Amendment was written in 1789. When women couldn't vote, black people were property, and guns couldn't hit a fat man standing still if he was more than 10 feet away.


I don't have to come up with another argument. A Constitutional right is a Constitutional right whether you agree with it or not. The only way to change things would be a Constitutional Amendment which would take public support, which isn't there, 2/3 of Congress to agree and 3/4 of the States to ratify. In other words, it will never happen. And the Supreme Court has ruled the 2nd Amendment applies to "common use firearms", which means most things modern.


We need more protection from criminals having guns and we need more compassion for the poor.

There. Fixed it for you.


How about we get free guns?
